Complete Comphet

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TW: Stalkers, Toxic Relationships, all that classic Toko/Byakuya stuff
Ship: Toko Fukawa x Komaru Naegi
Perspective: Toko Fukawa, first person

Another day, another update from Towa City. Today was one of the days Byakuya was on the other end of a video chat. He always seems uncomfortable when it's just us with neither of the Naegis on the line. I understand why, though...
I'm done with my past delusions of there being something between us. I'm sure he's noticed me stopping calling him 'master' among other things, and I've noticed his small bit of appreciation for that, but I've never outright told him I'm done with him.
"Well then," Byakuya says after a long pause of neither of us talking. There wasn't anything to report on this time so I expect him to end the meeting early, but instead he says something strange. "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Even ignoring the oddity of him asking permission, he never has any interest in my personal life.
"Um... no problem, go ahead." I allow. Say what you will about the apocalypse, it worked as pretty good speech therapy for me. I rarely stutter anymore. Byakuya clears his throat.
"Makoto was sharing some concerns with me before about his sister. Namely, your relationship with her... He said he didn't want me to ask, but I'm going to anyway. Are you two romantically involved?" He asks. My eyes go wide and my hands go to my chest.
"M-Makoto... th-th-thinks that?" Of course, when caught off gaurd and nervous the stutter still reared it's ugly head. I swallow the spit gathering in my mouth in an attempt to ground myself. Byakuya chuckles.
"Judging by that reaction he isn't too far off, huh?" he taunts. I take a breath.
"I-I'm not sure what Komaru thinks of us, but... I'd like to believe there's something more between us." I blush and turn my head. I see Byakuya nod on the screen in my periphery.
"I see. And what do you feel about me nowadays?" he asks. I turn back to Byakuya with a start.
"Do you prefer Komaru to me? Is that why I've been so lucky not to hear your nonsensical ramblings lately?" he asks.
"Um... do you really want to know?" I half-mumble.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know." he snaps back. I take a breath.
"W-Well... if you really want to know... then I'll tell you." I look around the screen anxiously, anything to avoid looking directly at him. "I... I've realized that I don't even have any kind of real romantic or sexual interest in men at all... so obviously I've realized I don't actually like you that way." I explain. Byakuya raises an eyebrow.
"...What? You've been sexually harrassing me since you met me and now you're trying to tell me you're a lesbian?" he questions. I shut my eyes tight. I have a right to explain myself.
"Okay, first off, most that harrassment was done by Genocide Jill, who still is straight from what I know. Secondly..." I breathe for a moment and look at him. "Have you heard of the term 'comphet'?" I ask.
"I can't say I have, no." he answers.
"Well, it's a shortening of 'compulsory heterosexual', a psychological concept that young lesbians will trick themselves into thinking they like men due to society's misogynistic and heteronormitive values. People with comphet will form strong exaggerated crushes, s-some bordering on stalkerish, on men they don't actually even have any attraction to." I explain.
"Huh... so you think you were experiencing compulsory heterosexuality towards me?" he confirms, surprisingly not condescendingly. I nod. He sighs.
"I'm sorry, but I find that very hard to believe." Aaaaand there's the condescending...

"Well, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it's the truth!" I stand my ground. I can't be a coward now. "Sh-Shouldn't you be glad?! Now you won't have to deal with all that 'master' stuff! At least, not from me anyways..." Byakuya scowls.
"You've stalked and harrassed me, TRAUMATIZED me, and you expect me to believe it was some game your subconscious internalized homophobia was playing on you?!" He yells. I grit my teeth.
"Hey, you weren't innocent either! You wanna talk about trauma?! You USED me! You've pushed trigger after trigger on me so you could bring out your little soldier to do your bidding!" I argue. He laughs coldly.
"If you're reffering to how you offered to purposefully trigger YOURSELF so your alter could make itself useful to me, then sorry. I thought you could handle yourself." He sarcastically apologies, clearly not believing he's in the wrong. I can feel my blood boil.
"F-Fine, you don't think you should take blame for that?! FINE! BUT WHAT ABOUT CHIHIRO?!" I scream. Byakuya shudders.
"DON'T talk about the killing game." he commands. But I'm not his puppet anymore.
"You tampered with our classmate's dead body, and for what? A winning move in a game of chess I was NEVER PLAYING!?" I can see Byakuya shaking, but I don't care, I need to let this anger out. "I know I did shitty things to you, I KNOW, but at least I'm aware what I did was wrong! You NEVER showed even a HINT of apology for what you did! If not towards me, at least have respect for the deceased! The worst part- THE WORST PART IS YOU TRICKED EVEN ME! I thought Genocide Jack had killed again, and that our body was gonna be executed" tears fill my eyes "I thought I was going to die for something I never did!"

Before I could go any farther, Komaru rushed into the room, apparently alerted by the yelling. She runs up to my side.
"Toko, what's wrong?" she asks. I quickly rub away my tears.
"What's wrong is that your 'gal pal' over there decided to bring back up a traumatic memory for the both of us." Byakuya answers, angry but clearly shaken. Komaru turns her head to the screen and opens her mouth to speak but is inturrupted.
"I'll be calling back later. I think everyone here needs to calm down and think." Byakuya ends the call directly after that statement. Komaru turns back to me.
"Toki, talk to me, what happened?" I ball my hands into fists.
"Nothing 'happened' it's just that Byakuya Togami is the biggest asshole alive." I spit. Komaru raises her eyebrows.
"Wow, I did not think I'd ever see the day where you said that." She closes the laptop in front of me without looking and stands to her full 5'4 height. "Okay, let's go to the kitchen, I can make some tea, and you can tell me all about it. If you want. If not, we'll just chill with some tea." She stares at me for a moment before I sigh.
"... that sounds like a good idea."

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