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It was nearing the end of his shift and Avian wasn’t having much success in persuading a woman to leave. He kept telling her he had already served her what was probably going to be her third drink. She still adamantly refused to budge, despite repeatedly stating she was paying him with full payment.
He would have been happy to accept her tip or even some kind of change if it were possible. He was exhausted, he’d stayed late because of another customer who was being difficult to handle and the other part timers couldn't seem to get through his shift well enough, so his first choice was for a break. Unfortunately it was almost closing time he had to figure out some way to make the woman leave.

Avian sighed, he just wished there was a better way than this. After trying to think of one he came up blank. With a heavy sigh he walked around behind the counter where she was sat and tapped her on the shoulder.  "Hey ma'am could you please pay me and leave?" His voice was calm but strained as he spoke. It seemed his patience was running thin after a while, but he didn't want to lose it at work.

She turned around to face him giving him an annoyed look which quickly morphed into shock at seeing Avian behind the counter. She slowly stood up and looked around, obviously not sure what was going on. She took a step back, looking scared. She looked around, her eyes wide as saucers. Suddenly she turned around ready to run; Her face was pale and her pupils were rolled in the back of her head.

Her hands were shaking badly as she clutched the fabric of her blazer.
"Hey! What is your problem? I said I have work to do," Avian's tone was growing harsher by the second as he began yelling louder and more loudly, but as he realized she was being possessed it was too late, a ghost flew out of her body out of the coffee shop which killed the woman; Avian walked out from behind the counter to grab the newely dead body and bring it to the back, dropping it in front of his coworkers.

The workers immediately began questioning him about what happened and why he suddenly appeared next to the body of the woman who had died moments earlier, though they were relieved, their boss had come in right before she did so they weren't worried he was going to yell at them as well, After all they were pretty sure he caused it by possessing her. Avian gave the body to his coworker Juda and off he went to deliver the body to get examined at the clinic a few blocks down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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