" im talking to you"

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Time skip -morning-
When I woke up Matheo was no where to be seen so I looked everywhere until I heard " hey shhh" from Nora's room I peaked my head in and saw Matheo holding Nora in his arms which a bottle under his chin "hey do you want me to take her" " no don't worry love I've got her..oh and by the way pancy  offered to look after her tonight" he said with a smile but before I cold respond pancy walked in with a smile " hey I'm hear to take this little one off your  hands" she had a massive smile planted across her face " are you sure" " absolutely I want to spend time with my niece and give you two some quiet time"she winked at me and Matheo.Matheo laughed but I just hit her in the arm "sorry sorry" pancy just laughed Matheo handed Nora over to pancy and she just stared at her and kissed her on the head " well I better get going see you tomorrow" as soon as we heard the main door shut Matheo pushed me against the wall " so you don't want quiet time we'll it's never quiet when we are alone darling" I just looked at his lips then he smashed his lips into mine "jump" he said so I did he walked to our bed and threw me down he then started to remove my clothes so I did the same to him  but he stopped me  " I'm in charge I'll tell you when to do that now knees now" I just looked at him " NOW"  " yes sir" I kiss him down his abs to his belt I undone it slowly and looked up at him a few times "fuck y/n don't tease me"he groaned  i done it a-bit slower now and he got annoyed and just picked me up and done it him self and ripped of my pants and just thrusted into me "uhh Matheo" " it's what you get for teasing me dear"
Matheo pov
All I could hear where her sweat little moans of my name " now what are you learning now darling" " i-ii- uhh all—ways uhh-listen". " to who darling"  " you auhhh FUCK" "good girl" I then felt a liquid in my dick  " get on your knees now darling" "mhm" " word" I grabbed her neck so she would look at me "ye-ah" "good girl" she then started to suck me " mmh fuck uhh mhh" I groaned I then felt my self getting Closer
Y/n pov
I felt  a warm liquid in my mouth " swallow" so I did and he then picked me up and fucked me again "Matheo I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow" I mound " good let's keep it that way"
Matheo pov
Once we both finished I decided to go for a fag and she wanted to come so I helped her up and carried her there " question did you use protection?" " no but I didn't really get any in you though so we should be safe right?" " let's hope" I then sit down by her and put my hand on her thigh " would you want anymore kids?"  " yeah"  I just smiled and kissed her then her jaw and her neck " Matheo we can't do it again I won't be able  to walk for a week" " ok love but I will be asking her to look after her agin" I then started to walk away " I THINK YOUR FORGETTING SOMETHING!" " right on my way love" " thanks" she peaked my lips .when we got back to our dorm she sat on the bed and read then the sun started to set and the light from the window made her look so hot her eyes, lips,just her I was horny agin "shit" she then looked up " what is it" " could you come heard quickly" " yeah" she go up and walked over looked at what I was looking at " no" " please love you caused it so you  fix it" I said mocking her from something she said when she was pregnant " really" she then got in her knees and  took of my pant  and  done what needed to be done " fuck y/n" I groaned for about 2 minutes about fifteen minutes later I was close and the I finished " swallow it" I grabbed her chin she then swallowed  " good girl"
Time skip -Two hours-
"Y/nnnnnn" I moan wating for her to come to bed  " what" she sounded mad so I went over the bathroom and saw her removing her make up " can I help you" she looked at me through the mirror " yes you can actually" I said putting my hand around her waist and my heat on the solder kissing her neck I then found her sweat spot  and she the moved her ass back a bit but I pushed her back up so she stood straight my hand going down her thigh but  then got interrupted by a knock on the door " for fuck sake hold on love" I then left to go get the door to see blaze "hey we are all going to pancys dorm to play some games you coming" " yeah I'll go get y/n" "who is it" y/n walked out of the bathroom " it's blaze and he is wondering if we want to go to pancys dorm to play some games" " yeah might as well"
Time skip -pancys dorm-
" hey" y/n said looking at pancy holding Nora " hey we are going to the common room to play truth or dare" pancy whispered  " hey give her hear I'll look after hey you girl have fun ok" " are you sure" " yeah now go " I took Nora from pancy
Y/n pov
We where all playing truth or dare when someone said " hey y/n truth or dare" " umm dare" " I dare you to kiss the hottest person hear" " bu-" " it's a dare y/n nothing bad will happen" " I the. Look at pancy but obviously someone though I was looking at them yo kiss them so they came over to kiss me put I pushed him away I then went to leave when I stood up and looked back Matheo was there but I just walked passed and went to the dorm " wtf was that" Matheo barged into the room I just led  in bed  " I'm talking to you!" Matheo sounded mutch angrier  You just ignored him " WHAT WAS THAT Y/N!" That time he threw a lamp making me jump and Nora to cry " I need to make sure she is alright" you say getting out of bed to check on Nora  after 10 minutes she went back to sleep and you left " wtf was that Matheo" " look I'm sorry I just walked in and saw a guy kiss you" " so you had to scare out child wtf is wrong with you" " I didn't mean to love anger just took over please forgive me"
" I'll see In the morning" so you got into bed and so did Matheo he then put his are around you and you both fell asleep after about 10 to 20 minutes.

Mine and only mine -Matheo riddle x y/n Where stories live. Discover now