[{ Thirteen }]

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"you, heh, you're the Golden Guard..?"

He nods "Yes, And we've got to contact the Coven that we are safe. I will excuse the bickering since we both had no idea who we were. don't let it happen again" 

I quietly nod hands trembling, and he walks off and the human and I closely follow back follow. behind

we start to walk through the town of latissa, I look all around, seeing more of the yellow orbs the bright glistening on them worsens the banging of a headache I finally start to notice, my head injury most likely being the reason I wasn't able to fix myself up, surprised I was even able to get my armour on.. wait how did I get it on..? I look down and see it start to fizz, reverting back to what I had on before, it most likely never even properly appeared, every second it fizzes in and out my head hurts worse, but I'll try to ignore it till the Golden Guard stops walking and I can run behind some wall so people don't know that my face is THE Bronze guard's face, but While I try to take things of my mind some more things I notice around us in latissa are spider webs everywhere, giant spiders, and even one lady hitting one gigantic spider off her house with a broom, I start to look at the Criminal, I look at their dark brown hair, their strange cape, their pyjama pants..? and a tiny little red cardinal perched on their shoulder, a tiny little red cardinal Palisman... I stare at it, and it rears its little head and looks back at me, I stare at it and it stares back at me... I stare at it.... and it stares at me.? that little rascal. I swear once I get my staff back and I get my head fixed up so I can use my magic I'll-

and then My thoughts are cut off by a  "MAN Kikimora must HATE you" the Human says sort of out of breath, I see she's trying to get the attention of the Golden Guard I try to tune out what she's saying and focus on something less annoying, This banging headache of mine, and my magic being wobbly since I'm injured, god, it's so unfair that they got less beat up than me, I mean honestly, but of course, I don't decide what's fair, I just have to deal with it.

I try to listen back in on what they're saying, but all I hear Is a grunt from the golden Guard as he turns to an Emperor's Coven outpost, Ah! this is my chance to finally get my powering draining outfit off, I quickly but quietly run behind a wall, and kneel down, with a circle of magic my Uniform is gone, back to what I had on before, a dark orange shirt with black pants and a few other things, but the most essential thing, No Mask,  Of course, it's good I'm not in AS much pain and it's not draining, honestly, how did I notice it before? but I guess I was more pre-occupied with being rude to my SUPERIOR, god I am an idiot, I'd do anything to fix that, Of course, I know we've been joking around with somewhat joking teasing stuff, or just small bickering, and no matter how much I want his position there's no way I can get it if I'm sitting here disrespecting my superiors- 

All of a sudden I see the Human running and the Golden Guard quickly trailing behind and when he sees me kneeling down in the alley he screams "Quickly After her!" Ah! A moment to redeem myself I think, and I sprint after the two of them.



ahaha whats up 2am er's I've got school tomorrow and it's 2am, and I wanted to make this before I fell asleep, enjoy this chapter!! wish me luck on my science testttttttttttttt


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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{{ Gold Mixed with Bronze }}   [[ Golden Guard x  Reader!Fem ]]Where stories live. Discover now