[{ Ten }]

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he checks and nothing happens for a few seconds.  

the principal slowly returns to his spot, quietly we both let out a sigh of relief once the principal makes it back to his spot, but he keeps a close on the bleachers we were hiding behind, the Golden Guard grabs my hand and squeezes it hard. I think it's a warning.

we watch all the others grab their palismen, but once again I notice the human, they go up and, fail to get a palisman, thank god they don't have one, without a staff either I don't know how she could mess anything up, especially with no powers. 

finally, once everyone has left I can finally stop the spell, I take big gusts of wind in and out, breathing hard for a few minutes after holding the spell for quite a while.

"What do you think you were doing!?!" the golden guard questions

"I'm- I... well it just- it- caught me off guard-"

"well, you better clean up your act. this is the emperor's coven"

" but I!- yes golden guard sir...."

"good. now let's go retrieve the ship"


he pulls out his staff and we both hope on, the ride back to the castle is quiet, I know he's probably still mad, but he doesn't say anything afterwards he goes flies and that's it, we arrive back at the castle and I follow him to the ship docking area, talks to the ship guards and they let him take one, we step on, I take both of the staffs and lean them on the ship wall close to the driver spot as I go and look of the edge of the ship.

we finally reach the school, we quickly head over to the field to grab the palismen.

"press the button to deploy the hook"

"yes sir"

I run over to the button and press it deploying the hook, it makes a little clanking noise from the bottom of the ship, he lowers the ship and hooks it to the stick protruding from the area the palismen are staying, he picks it up and we start to head up, we start moving forward again when all of a sudden

the human we saw earlier slaps us both on the back! we both turn around confused until all of a sudden we both go flying!

{{ Gold Mixed with Bronze }}   [[ Golden Guard x  Reader!Fem ]]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя