[{ Nine }]

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Several hours have passed now, and we're at the final school, Hexside. I'm pretty glad it's that last one, I don't know how many more teleportation spells I can take, once again we hide behind the bleachers, well, I say hide, Mr. I use teleportation more than needed. sit's down normally well I am on all fours trying not to vomit my guts out into my mask. As I'm literally shaking from side to side. 

I collect myself and all my organs and start to look between the bleachers, I saw about around ten or more, but there weren't many more palismens left, I watch all the kids go to get their Palismen, this one girl who was in the plant track got a bee palisman, and another younger student who's in the illusion track a chameleon palisman and a girl with pink hair and pink skin gets a crab demon palisman, but all of a sudden, I see this, girl, with short brown hair, with strangely small ears round ears, slightly resembling a human, but it couldn't be...

the strange girl walks up to the palismens and Tells them what she wants to do like all the others but, she doesn't get one..? they kinda just stare at her. I look over at the Golden Guard and I see that he's clenching his fists.

"Why are you clenching your fists because of the witch?" I ask

he quickly turns to me and says "she's an annoying human who has ruined things with the emperor."

"HUMAN?!?!?!" I scream at the top of my lungs, then I catch myself at the loud noise I see the people in class turn and look at the bleachers and the principal starts to walk over I quickly grab my staff and tackle the Golden Guard then use an invisibility spell on us both, as I tell him to shut up, I grab his right and slowly run to the far side of the other bleachers in the set. 

the principal comes up starts a spell circle to check the bleachers...

{{ Gold Mixed with Bronze }}   [[ Golden Guard x  Reader!Fem ]]Where stories live. Discover now