[{ Seven }]

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                                 We arrive at the door to the room with the information about all most everything on the boiling isles, we head in and take a sharp left into a corridor with maps and the Golden Guard grabs the map wedge between several others, he turns to me and opens it, I look down at it seeing all the school's, Glandus, Hexside and many others, he pointed to one on the top left of the map, "here's where they're going first, we'll head there now" he closes the map and puts it in his pocket and walks towards the main entrance to leave, I quickly follow behind him.

we leave the castle and he pulls out his staff, he hops on it and he scoots towards the front and I reluctantly get on it, he whistles, while we take off, the mask slightly, distorts the whistles he makes, making him off-key, the song he's whistling is quite a nice melody so an ever so lighting move my head to it.

"like my song?"

 I almost fall off staff not expecting noise, "I know, despite what people say my voice is quite nice huh?"  he turns to put his hand up to his mask slightly giggling, "your voice is the opposite of nice, what they say is true, your voice is annoying" I say pompously "it was so annoying so you danced your head to it?"   he leans in with a mocking voice  "It just had a good rhythm" he laughs at my response, we keep picking at each other for 2 minutes or so.

by then I see the school below us, it's made out of stone with an orange roof, "Ready to go down?" he says I look down and I see the palismen down on a court, the principal, the richest demon on the boiling isles sitting on a wooden box the wood twisting up to the little perch for the bat queen with its own outdoor area filled with hay, but then I realize that we're almost right above it, just mostly to the right, the...the... designated hiding spot. we're right above it.

I turn my head up, he puts his hands to the very top of his staff, tensing his shoulders "Ready?" he says, "Ready for what!?" I scream even though knowing what was gonna happen.

all of a sudden he dives down, at top speed, I quickly grab onto his waist to stop myself from falling, gripping on harder than ever, of course, I'm not scared, I just had no control over this I still somewhat not ready for this, after a few seconds I open my eyes, we were so high above the school no matter how fast we were going there was still gonna be a few seconds before we reached the ground, I see how close we are.

"We should move away when we land quick! they might see us!"

"don't worry I've got something planned"

All of a sudden I see red and we're on the ground at our designated spot, I felt super weird when you aren't the one controlling it, I slowly remove my arms from his waist still having my head to my torso tingling, especially where my magic bile sac is, hopefully, I'm not just dying right now, but whatever, I hop off the staff, he gives me a sign and we move towards to the bleachers. we hid behind them, I pulled out a small little notebook that I always have on me and wrote down all the names of the schools and crossed out this one, not wanting to damage the map.

after that we just sat down and watched them get their new palisman, there were tons, probably cause they are going around the several schools, but when I look at them I see something different than how they should look........they're all damaged?    that's strange, I mean the Golden guard did say New homes so they must have been owned before, meaning luckily this won't be a waste.

"so what do we do now?"

"We wait, this mission will probably take up the day, but it's a clear way to get them, so prepare to get comfortable"

great, this is gonna be a long day.


{{ Gold Mixed with Bronze }}   [[ Golden Guard x  Reader!Fem ]]Where stories live. Discover now