Chapter 4: Finding My Classes ..

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I scrambled through the mass of people, trying to find the office. I finally found the door with a sign that read 'Office'. I felt much more relieved. I opened the door, peaking my head through. I asked for my scedule. They handed me one, and I left. I was just on time to hear the bell ring. I followed the large group of people into a hall, with tons of lockers. I scanned through them looking for my number. "33, 33, 33, 33..." I said inside my head. "Oh, there it is." I scrambled with the paper, and followed the intructions written on the paper, for my lock. Thank goodness it unlocked the first time. 

My first period was language arts. The paper stated that language arts was in room 101. I found it, I felt relieved. I walked in. The teacher knew I was new, so she greeted me and pointed to my seat. I walked over and set my books on the desk. I watched as students filed into the room. Butterflies began to gather inside my stomach, as I saw Reed. He walked in. Walking closer, closer, and closer. His desk was right beside mine. He gave me a smile, I returned one. 

As class started, I had trouble focusing. I mean, come on. Reed Deming was sitting right next to me. An accidental smile arrived on my face just thinking about it. Finally, the bell rang signalling us to head to our next class. For me, my next class was algebra. Ugh, why'd I have to do so well on the state test? Now I'm stuck in the advanced math class, just like last year.

Just like in lanuage arts, my teacher recognized that I was new, and showed me to my seat. Unlike lanuage arts, the desks were arranged in groups of four or five. My group had 3 girls (including me), and not sure who else, at the moment. Then, who walked through the door way? Reed. Reed, came in, this time his desk was across from mine, not next to mine. I actually felt like I was dreaming. I know everyone says that, but I mean I'm being serious.

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