Chapter 1: Moving. Again.

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I got off the bus, on Friday, and walked in through the front door. Like everyday, I was greeted by Stella, my 4 year old boxer. "How was school?" my dad asked. "Fine" I said smiling. "Listen, Sam, we're gonna need to talk about my work." he said quietly. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Well, I'm being transerferred to-" I cut him off before he could finish, "Again?! Dad, I'm just getting used to this school!" "Let me finish my sentence, please? I'm being transerred to Texas." "What?! But, we live in Michigan. And we're going all the way down to Texas?!" He nodded. I huffed, and stomped into my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me.

I couldn't believe this! I was just starting to make new friends here. Now I'm going to have to break the news to my newly made friends. 

I yanked open my laptop, turning it on. I logged onto twitter, reading Reed Deming's tweets. I smiled at them, he was so funny. I giggled to myself. Reed was my true insperation. I've always wanted to meet him. I've recently accepted the fact that I probably never will. I replyed to his tweets, like I usually do, not expecting him to reply. I sat for a minute, just thinking of how I was going to move all the way to Texas. My eyes widened. I silently squealed at my thoughts. I just realized that Reed Deming lives in Texas! Now, I couldn't stop smiling.

I logged off of twitter, and shut my laptop. I picked out some clothes for bed. I grabbed a towel out of the closet, and took a long, hot shower. I got out, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I slid the brush threw my dripping hair. I unlocked the bathroom door, and tucked myself in bed. I soon fell fast asleep.

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