Chapter 3: Meeting The One

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*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* My eyes shot open, to the terrible noise coming from my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and hit 'Snooze'. I yanked off my blanket, and lazily walked to the door way. I went downstairs. I got into the pantry to grab some poptarts out of the cardboard box.

After I finished, I skipped upstairs, into the bathroom. I applyed mascara. (My usual makeup) And brushed my teeth, until they were squeaky clean. I walked into my room, and opened the wardrobe. I grabbed my Hollister sweater, and dark blue skinny jeans. I quickly slipped them both on. I snatched my Sperrys, and yanked them onto my feet. 

I looked out the window. "Oh gosh!" I yelled, seeing the bus stopped in front of my house. I grabbed my bag and ran to the bus. "It's about time you got out here." the bus driver snapped. I glared at him. I chose seat '1' and sat down.

It took only about 4 minutes, until arriving at the school. I think it might of only taken 2, if it weren't for all of the stops.

The door squeaked open, letting all of the kids on my bus out. About 7 kids, that is. I walked up to the entrance of the school. There were much more kids than I was expecting. I thought it was weird, but the principal made all of the students wait in the 'lobby', as they call it, until the bell rang. I scanned through all of the students, wishing to see a familiar face, but I didn't. I came across one particular face, kept scanning, then immediatly shot back to that one face. My mouth dropped open. Right then, I saw the very beautiful, and familiar face. It was Reed Deming. I couldn't believe it. I was now going to the same school as Reed Deming. Then, I realized I was still starring at him, with my mouth wide open. I quickly looked away.

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