Chapter 10

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Harry was lying on his back on a hard cot, trying to find sleep but failing. It's been over a week since they left for their assignment. Harry and Ron have been accompanied by three other Aurors and were now stationed at Northern Scotland. Ron was snoring loudly next to him, the moment the redhead's head fell on the hard cot, he was asleep. Harry wished he could fall asleep so quickly. With a sigh, he stood up, walked over to the door and tapped Linda on her shoulder.

"I've got another hour." She said not taking her eyes away from the street.

"You go rest. Can't sleep anyway." He shrugged and took her position.

She glanced away from the street to Harry, and when he didn't make a move to head back in, she turned and walked over to her cot. Harry had barely slept since they left. Not only because of the hard cot, he had worse, but he missed Teddy. He missed his laugh, the way his tiny hands always wanted to grab his glasses. He missed telling him stories before he went to bed. He knew he was in great hands, but it still wasn't easy. If his mind wandered away from Teddy, they ended up with Amelia. He regretted not asking her out back at the twins' flat, he regretted not kissing her. But it still stung seeing her so close with the twins, Fred especially, even though they both said they were just friends, it gnawed on him. And maybe nothing will happen between Fred, but the older twin himself said there were other guys interested in her. It shouldn't come to a surprise, since she's funny, sweet, smart and beautiful, but still it was. Maybe because he knew she didn't know many people yet. She spends most of her time with him or the twins apparently. He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.

"Teddy or Amelia?" Ron asked as he appeared next to him.

"Both." He said. They were quiet for a long moment as their eyes searched the streets.

"I can't help with Teddy." He finally said and Harry turned to his best friend. "But with Amelia... First, you should write to her, you promised, and Donald said it was safe to do so. And second, the moment you get back, you march up to her house and kiss her into oblivion."

Harry couldn't help with chuckle silently. "Then I should probably figure out where she lives."

"That might help." Ron grinned. "You can always ask Dad, or when we know when we'll be home, you can write her to meet up. Maybe at your place, she's been there, right? The night of the club?" Harry nodded. "Brilliant. You can do that."

"Since when did you become an expert?" Harry snickered.

"Hardly an expert but learned from many fails." He smiled wryly. He searched his pockets before he fished out a piece of parchment and a pen. "Here, write. I'll keep watch."

Harry didn't want to go inside the small room just yet, so he sat down on the steps and started to write. Ron was standing next to him, towering over him as his eyes searched the dark and empty street. The moon and one old flickering lantern gave them light.

Amelia was drying Teddy's hair in the bathroom of the twins' flat. They had just come back from the pool and were getting ready to head to Sunday lunch at the burrow. Teddy was sitting up on the sink wearing his clean clothes as she waved her wand over his hair. While the wind blew his hair, he let it change into every colour imaginable. His hair was now just long enough to tie it back. When his hair was dry, he changed into her hair colour.

"I like you better in purple." She grinned as she bobbed his nose. Without a second thought, his hair was purple again. "That's better." She kissed his nose.

"Panake?" He asked with big doe eyes.

"We'll be leaving for Grannie's soon. I'm sure she will make you some pancakes." She let some colourful confetti fall from the air to keep him busy as she dried her own hair. When she was done, she put it in half a bun before she picked up Teddy and walked to the living room. She placed Teddy into the playpen with all of his toys and walked to the twins.

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