Chapter 7

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It's been over a month since their lunch at the Golden Inn and they had met up two times a week for lunch. Ron came with them every Thursday, stating he didn't want to eat alone at the cafeteria. And even though she liked her time alone with Harry, it was nice to get to know Ron too. Not only because of Harry but because of the twins. She's been helping Fred trying to regain strength in his legs. When she met up with them the day after, she urged them to go get help at St. Mungo's, but they refused, saying that they hadn't done anything to help him over the past year and that she found out quickly there was a large chance that he could walk again. So, every day after work, she apparated to the twins' flat and did muggle exercises to strengthen his muscles. She went to the twins' flat almost every night. She helped them cook other recipes. The three of them were together almost every night in the kitchen as they cooked. Only on Fridays, they ordered in. The weekends they kept free because of family lunches and George's girlfriend, Angelina. That according to George was getting suspicious about his sparse free nights. The twins didn't want to tell anyone what they were doing until they knew for sure it was going to work.
With work, lunches with Harry and Ron and her secret evenings with the twins, her days were long. But she never felt happier than she did when she crashed in her bed at the end of the day.

Now she saw the twins waiting in front of a large building in muggle London, looking up at it with a frown. George turned when he heard her footsteps on the gravel.

"Here is our miracle worker." He grinned and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Hi, love." Fred looked up at her and reached for her hand. She took it and squeezed it as she leaned down to kiss his cheek. "So, where are we and what are we doing?"

"Hello, boys." She smiled. "We're going swimming."

"Swimming?" They chimed in surprise and looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, swimming." She turned to George. "But you don't have to come."

"What? Why not?" He asked affronted.

"Because I can do this by myself, and you've been neglecting your girlfriend. So, spend the evening with her. I'm sure she would appreciate it."

"She's right, George." Fred said as he turned his wheelchair towards his twin. "You know Ange. She'll flip if you keep this up any longer. And if Mia says she can handle me all by herself." He winked at her.

"Can you explain to me what exactly you're going to do?" He asked nervously. So, she told him. She explained the water therapy muggles used for people with back injuries to help them walk again. After a thorough explanation, he finally agreed to have a date night with his girlfriend. He turned to Fred. "Try kicking the water, yeah?" He joked and Fred laughed. "I'll see you tonight."

"Have fun, Georgie." Fred smiled. George clapped his twin's back and gave Amelia another kiss on the cheek before he vanished. "Don't think I don't know why you wanted George out."

"And that is?" She said as she started to push his wheelchair into the building. The smell of chlorine hit them immediately.

"Seeing I didn't bring my swimming trunks; you want to see me naked."

She couldn't help but laugh as they reached the register. "Two please." She asked the lady behind the glass. She took out her wallet and paid the cashier before pushing Fred towards the elevator. When the elevator door closed, they were being lifted up, she said. "Although I think you look good naked, I came prepared." She smirked, patting her bag.

"Oh, so you thought about seeing me naked?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Amelia leaned down as the elevator came to a stop.

"Like you have me?" The elevator dinged before he could reply. The doors opened and a family with two small children walked in. Fred had to bite his tongue to stop his answer. Even though they found each other attractive, there wasn't anything romantic between them. They became good friends, who joked and teased each other about everything. Besides Fred knew about her growing feelings for Harry. And Fred wasn't ready to date anyone, he was just happy to have a friend like her in his life. Fred knew she was smirking as she rolled him through the corridor where the wall was covered with little blue tiles. They reached a large room where small cubicles were lined against each other. She pushed him towards a large cubicle, on the door was a drawing of a family and a wheelchair on it. She pushed the door open and rolled him in. She started rummaging through her bag and held out dark blue swimming trunks for him. When he took them, she grabbed a couple of towels and her own bathing suit before she turned to look at him.

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