Chapter 5

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When she arrived back at the ministry, she immediately started on her report. In the corner of her eye, she saw the people pass by her office. She always let her door open, she liked to see all of the people walk and talk through the corridor. Most of the time people would stop and say hi, but they all knew when she was working on something, they had to leave her alone, so that's what they did. Even Arthur who had stopped by to ask her how it went, moved along quickly when he saw she was busy writing.

With a flick of her wand, she let the report disappear. She tried to tidy up her desk, but with a sigh, she gave up and pushed herself away from her desk. She walked out of her office and knocked on Arthur's door.

"Come in." She pushed the door open. "Oh, Amelia. How did it go?" He leaned forward eagerly. She sat down in the chair in front of him.

"Well, it went okay. But there is something I was wondering... Do you want me out?"

"Out?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, out of the department."

"What in Merlin's name makes you think that?"

"When I met your family, you said I would make a great Auror. And today you send me on not just an interference of abuse of magical objects, but something on the border of Auror work."

"You know I love that you're working with me in this department. But I also believe there is more to you than this. And I just wanted to show you to see what else is out there."

"I appreciate the confidence but I'm good here." She smiled. "And when I'm ready to move on, you'll be the first to know."

"Alright." He smiled. "Want to get some lunch? You can tell me all about what happened."

"The Beverage?" She asked as they both stood up.

"It is a Monday." He chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

That evening after work, she apparated to Diagon Alley. She hadn't been there much, so she strolled around the street, looking at the different shops. The twins' shop was visible long before she was closed. Not only because of the bright colours but also from the crowd and fireworks that were shooting in the air. Her smile went large as she neared the shop. The shop was still busy even when closing time was nearing. She pushed open the door and gasped as her eyes flickered around the shop. Trying to see everything in the shop and everything that was going on, and it was a lot.

"Hey, Amelia." She turned at the sound of the familiar voice. George was leaning against the shelves, a smile on his lips.

"Hey, George." She kissed his cheek. "The shop is amazing."

"Thank you." He beamed. "We'll give you a tour once we close up. Fred went upstairs about twenty minutes ago. We close the shop in fifteen minutes, so why don't you head upstairs, I'll be up shortly." He guided her through the crowds. When we passed the register, he stopped. "Lee, this is Amelia. Amelia, this is Lee."

"Nice to meet you." Lee bowed with a grin before he turned back to an impatient customer in front of him, he shot me an apologetic smile over his shoulder before George pushed me through the back door.

"Just head upstairs." He pointed to the stairs at the end of the backroom, where they probably made their products. Before Amelia could reply he disappeared back in the shop. She glanced around the backroom for a moment before heading upstairs. She knocked on the door.

"It's open!" Fred called back. She chuckled as she pushed the door open and walked in. To her left were three closed doors, while she looked to the right was an open space. She turned right and ended up in the living room.

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