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A red light was turning on and off, then a voice from the cameras said "2 minutes, choose your weapons"

I went to the table and grabbed a knife and walked in panic around the room

"What's going on?" I yell in desperation

Then a clock on the wall turned on, it marked fifteen minutes

Oh god, I'm going to die

Then a countdown began, 10,9,8...

When a buzz sounded a door opened and three men completely covered entered the room, I couldn't see their faces since it was covered

They each walked slowly towards me

"Please stay back" I pointed my knife at them

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked them but they didn't talked

One of them was suddenly besides me and tried to punch me in the face but failed, another one was heading to the table, probably to get a knife, while looking at him the other one punched me on the stomach

It hurts

"Stay away" I winced

But that same guy punched me again while I walked back, he grabbed my arm to put me closer to him but when he was close enough I felt the knife on my hand getting into his skin, into his stomach

He gasped

"Oh god I'm sorry" I told him while he was falling into the ground "did I killed him?" I asked scared but another guy was already in front of me, the other one was still trying to get the gun

"Please I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt him or you, I don't want to" he walked to me while I walked backwards he caged me and I tried to escape but he held me in there

"Please don't do it" I begged him, but he started making a cut on my throat with the knife

This is it, I really stopped trying to fight, I couldn't kill them, and this would be over soon

He was cutting slowly and I winced at the pain but closed my eyes, then I heard two shotguns

I opened my eyes and saw the guy cutting me falling into the ground, the only guy standing behind him had the gun

We walked to me and I shivered then he shoot to the cameras "What the heck?" I tried running on the opposite direction but he grabbed my arm and turned me around, I was crying and I hadn't even realized it

He then took the mask off


I felt rage, sadness, madness everything at once by seeing him

"Let's go April, we have to move we don't have all the time" I shook my head

"You, you are a fucking liar! I hate you, I'm not going with you" I cried

His eyes were glossy "I know baby I'm sorry I promise I will explain"

"Don't call me that" I said with rage

He nodded "now let's move"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards an exit, we were walking really fast, I don't know why but I know he is trying to help me get out of here

"Where are you going?" Some guy asked but Ashton shoot him dead

"I know you don't like people dying because of me, but we don't have another choice" he told me and this time I accepted it

"Where the fuck you think you're going?" My fathers voice came from behind us, just as we were getting out of this house

We turned around

"Ashton, get my daughter in here" he ordered

"No" Ashton glared at him

"It's not a question, it's an order"

"And you're no one to give me that kind of order" Ashton said back

"And why do you care about my daughter? Is this just to defy me?" My father asked

"It has to do with the fact she doesn't deserve this shitty life, I'm not going to allow it" Ashton put me behind him

"Oh please, stop with this nonsense" my dad glared at him

"No, you're no longer the leader, I'm claiming back my position" Ashton spoke

My dad chuckled "well it's too late for that, you still are the weak piece of shit your father thought you were, showing compassion for others" he started walking towards us, Ashton stood still, covering me

"And you are the same piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live"

"How can you say something like that, I raised you, I was a father figure to you"

"And I wish you haven't been you fucking bastard"

In just a moment, a matter of seconds my father had a gun on his hand and had shoot, luckily Ashton escaped it, and he had shot back. It was so quickly I couldn't even registered it. I just saw my dad landing dead into the ground, Ashton had shot him on the head

I think that was why my head was spinning so fast, he's dead, he was the leader of the mafia, he wanted me dead, Ashton was a lie... it was getting heavy to breath

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill him" he turned around and his eyes widened and he looked scared, I was just blinking trying to compose myself but there was a huge pain on my stomach, was I going to throw up from the shock? I placed my hands on my stomach, blood

Blood, blood, blood

My knees started failing

"No, fuck April" Ashton catches me before I fell down to the ground "Sebastian, Kile, call an ambulance

"What is going on?" I asked confused, I couldn't think straight, everything was hurting, everyone was spinning

"He shot you" Ashton seemed like losing his mind "fuck I'm so sorry April, please stay with me, please keep your eyes opened for me"

I blinked again, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, suddenly Ashton's voice seemed far away, distant and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore

I was tired

Rois Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ