11. - movie night

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Schneider's P.O.V.

I blankly stared on the table expecting it talk or whatever. At this point I wouldn't be surprised. It has been a pretty long time since I sat here last time...

"You're not gonna eat today?" asked Oliver chewing a cheap looking burger.

"No, I will eat. I was just thinking..." I lied, my mind was blank. I decided to blame it on new pills I was prescribed. We sat in a common room. Only us two from our cell because we were good boys so we allowed to have a lunch here. They actually served better food here than the food they delivered to cells which was most of the time just bread with soup.

When you looked around you could see that the room was half empty. It seems like other prisoners were resistive this week. It was sort of hyerarchy - the good ones and the bad ones. More like the cooperative and the resisting. The resisting ones were going through hell from jailers. Which most likely led to more resisting like in Till's case. It was a cycle that was hard to get out of.

"Have you ever been here all alone?" I asked with that thought because Oliver was behind bars practically by a mistake.

"Actually I was, once or twice I think." he laughed. 

"I doubt Till ever been here." Oliver said after while of silence.

"Till's punishment ends tonight, I think, it's gonna be his premiere." I laughed. Paul was banned from this room for a week because yesterday he was jacking off during lunch and Richard is still pretty new here so that's why they probably didn't allow him here yet.

"What do you think about Richard?" suddenly asked Ollie.

"I think he's so in love with Till." I said. "I mean, he's annoying sometimes but he's hot as fuck."

"Yeah you're right." Oliver confirmed. "I just feel bad for Paul."

"Did anything else happened between them when I was gone?"

"Nothing much. Richard just uses Paul like a sex toy." he sadly finished his burger.

"Oh yeah, that's not very nice from him." I agreed and thought when was the last time I was having affairs. Since heroin became the love of my life I lost interest in any other relationship.

"What are you thinking about?" Oli scanned me with his warm grey eyes.

"About how incredibly I fucked my life up. Everything was easier when I was a kid, when I didn't have to deal with this shit..." I sighed. I missed times before the times on a street.

"How did you started doing drugs? If you don't mind me asking." he carefully added the second part.

"Oh of course I don't mind, it's not such a trigger as it may seem." I ensured him and prepared to talk about my past.

"I grew up in a normal home with my mom, dad and my sister, but one day when I was about sixteen my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Since then everything went downhill. My girlfriend introduced me to drugs, it started innocently like weed and then in like four years it slipped to heroin. My dad died three months after he was diagnosed and month after his death we had to move out because my mom couldn't pay the house from her income. My sister and I were still studying so we haven't got a job." I stopped to catch a breath. It was harder to talk about it that I thought.

"We moved to my sister boyfriend's house and we tried to live normal life. I graduated from highschool and due to regular drug using I haven't got much ambitions in continuing on college. I was working some low income part time jobs. By that time I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I haven't told anyone because they would be probably worried about me. They had too much to deal with instead. At that time I couldn't imagine the shitstorm that was coming... My mother slipped deep into alcoholism, my sister killed herself and her boyfriend died of overdose. I moved to my friends. That was when my addiction took all of me. I tried meth but it was worsening my psychosis so I decided it was't the right drug for me. Then I was given heroin. It was like nothing I've experienced before. I felt like it was healing me, it filled the void, it filled the loss of my family, it replaced my girlfriend. She was deep into meth addiction by the time. I don't know where she's at now, I just hope she's okay but honestly I don't think she is."

"Holy shit, that's horrible." Oli started at me with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah, it truly is," I approved. I wasn't living the best life and now I'm here, rotting in jail. "I was making money from stealing and prostitution." I loudly swallowed and tried to not think about this part.

"That was actually the climax of the story. It was absolute rock bottom. My friends lost the flat I lived in with them. I didn't even have to move out because at that time I sold everything I owned. My only possession was clothes I was wearing, lighter, spoon and needle. I was on the street... You can't live like this for much long. You either die or you get caught by the cops. Which was my case. Sometimes I wish it was the first one..." I finished my pathetic little lifestory.

"Oh god no Christoph, it's alright. I'm so glad you are here. I mean like alive. Not here." Oliver was holding my hand and trying to comfort me.

Till's P.O.V.

We sat in a common room like people in cinema. They pulled the curtains and switched off the lights so we could have this cozy feeling like in cinema except there were two lines of jail guards with submachine guns standing around whole room. It was actually pretty funny.

My heart fluttered when I noticed one taller man with blonde hair sticking out of his cap standing in the line around exit door. He was the only one who managed to look cute and dorky with such a dangerous object in his hands. He noticed me and winked. It felt so weird and ironic. I had an affair with my enemy. I always thought it was a romcom thing. Oviously my life was sort of twisted romcom.

Richard next to me sighed. Probably because Paul was banned from here. It was the funniest shit ever when they were escorting him from the common room. I wasn't there but Flake showed me footage of that from security cameras. I couldn't stop laughing for a hour.

"So we decided to give you some culture time - we will watch a movie." said some jail guard infront of the projector. Hum of prisoners trying to guess what movie we will watch was interupted by shooting.

"SHUT UP! We will watch Cinderella." he said. The whole fucking room went silent. "If you don't agree..." he pointed to the submachine gun hanging on his arm. "you can go fuck yourself. Have a nice time." he finally shut up.

The movie started and I thought if they meant that seriously. Would they really kill us if we misbehave? No wonder they've chosen a fucking cartoon. They tried to prevent someone from getting trigerred but I think some creep could be triggered even by this. I decide to at least try to enjoy that movie when I was finally allowed to enter this room.

"Hey slut, how about finishing what we've started in that bathroom." ugly motherfucker that tried to rape Richard turned to us from a row infront of us. I did my best to focus on the Cinderella catroon but when he spat on him I couldn't hold myself back. Nobody has right to insult Richard except me. He was my punching bag.

"You don't seem to learn from your mistakes." I hissed and grabbed him by the head shoving my thumbs into his eyeballs. He screeched out and it only doubled my sadistic pleasure. Richard joined me and began to slap his face. I felt weird feeling ...a cooperation. It actually felt so good to be two on a same boat. Nobody could stop us.

Gun shots froze us all. It was like a slowmotion film. When the screen freze and all the characters stop moving.

"HEY WHAT'S HAPPENING THERE!?" was the last thing I've heard before taser was stabbed into my back and I fell trembeling to the ground. Strong hands grabbed me and handcuffed me. They trew me to the cell followed by Richard.

"You two are BANNED!" some jailer yelled and kicked us for his own pleasure before he shut the door.

"S-sseems like we're m-meeting again." said Paul obviously pleased he's not alone.

"Shut up you wanker." I barked out and jumped on my bed. I spent rest of the evening staring on the wall ignoring everyone.

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