9. - jail guard friend

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Flake's P.O.V.

Another day, another shift. I found myself boiling water for my third coffee. It was the only thing that could help me stay awake. It was so boring here and when there was action it was too much action.


The kettle let me know that water is done and I forced myself to spill the water into my cup. I sat tiredly back on a chair in the office and began to stir the coffee with a spoon so it will cool down earlier and I can finally drink it without burning my tongue.

I thought about the day Till kissed me. It was my first kiss. I blushed and hoped it wasn't our last. Does it mean we are boyfriends now? Probably not, probably I'm just exaggerating, oh god I'm such a virgin. I wondered what would happen if they found out? They would probably fire me... But what would they do to Till? Maybe death sentence? What a horrific idea of him facing the wall. They would probably made me his executioner since this prison is ran by such a coldblooded sadists. Speaking of colblooded sadists, one just bursted into the office.

"It's funny how they scream and beg for mercy innit?" he laughed and began to pour water into the kettle. I just nervously laughed instead of verbal agreement. I found it gross to violate the prisoners. And for millionth time I fought the urge to argue that prisoners also have human rights.

"You're so quiet, it's creepy sometimes." he said and I chuckled.

"Really?" I forced myself to speak, I didn't want to scare him more.

"Yeah, it's always the quiet ones." he winked at me refering to serial killers.

"You know I'm not a criminal." I said almost offended of him thinking that I'd be capable of hurting somebody.

"Yeah, but the way you beated that fucker was impressive." he said refering to when I had to beat Till that one time he cought us on a rooftop.

"Thanks, I guess." I nervously smiled and prayed he'd go away. My prayers were fulfilled when the kettle beeped and he watered his coffee.

"I have to go, I have some work to do." he smiled and exit the room with coffee in my hand.

"Have a nice rest of the shift." he smiled at me. It's going to be a long shift. It was a night shift. Nights here were pretty horrific. Once I found one prisoner dead, he killed himself in his cell. It was so terrible I don't think I'll ever be able to erase that scene from my mind.

I chugged the coffee and decided to have a walk around the cells. I heard screams, begging and ...singing. I stopped and listened. It wasn't bad just very very sad. But I had to move on I had to check on Till.

As I was passing the hallway I was drowning in my thoughts more with each step I was scared I will drown. I have to do something. If I want Till to be my boyfried I need to do something, I need to move on to next level. I want to be his and I want him to be mine. I felt stuck and pressured at the same time as I felt great about that we kissed. It was the most I ever had, yet the least I could have if I try to get to a next level. But how should I do it? And what are relationships about anyway? I need to push us on the next level.

Another salvo of screaming let me know why I'm here. I sped up to the cell 142. I looked through the window, I saw four men on a bed. They didn't seem to notice me. But Till was nowhere. I didn't even knew why exactly I want to see him. I was so bored and I needed to know that he's okay.


He should be in the bathroom. For the first time I was actually happy to be in the position I was at. I was a jail guard so I had all the keys. Even to the exit doors and some of those exits lead to bathrooms.

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