3. - dangerous but saviour

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Richard's P.O.V.

Fear took control over my body. And my normal reaction to fear was paralysis so I just stood there staring at the dude walking towards me naked. Even when he flipped me over I barely let out a sound. When I got a graphic idea of what he's going to do I tried to protest by kicking him but I missed. I was still tired and sore after the punishment I was given by the guards.

"Ohhh gotta be a naughty girl, huh!" he growled. I got on all fours and crawled away. His hand grabbed my leg and dragged me back.

"What do you fucking want!" I screamed with each word kicking him.

"Hey! What the fuck is happening here!?" I heard voice of Till. I even saw his silouette with a broom in his hand. Before I tried to thank him he hit the guy's head with a broom. It was so quick and so strong he fell down on his knees. But Till didn't stop he began to beat him more with more violence. When the tattooed prisoner finally passed out he looked at me. His eyes shined the darkest hint of passion and his wide smile made me a bit scared about us two being alone with half-killed co prisoner.

"Gonna help or gonna keep staring?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Help with what? I'm not interested in extending my punishment by helpning with murder." I constated frowning. But Till pat his forehead as if I was totally dumb.

"Help me to drag him somewhere so he won't wake up and rape you." he said picking him up.

"He's- he's so heavyy." I grunted out as I joined Till in hiding the body in closet.

Then Till grabbed the broom and told me: "We have to break it and burn it okay?"

"Okay?" I raised eyebrows.

"It's an evidence and we don't want to be blamed for this act of pure violence, right?" he smirked and I slowly began to grow attachment to his weird twisted personality.

"We aren't allowed to own lighters but I can get one pretty easily." he winked and took down all his clothes.

For a minute I thought he's going to rape me too.

"What! I'm not going to violate you." he said when he noticed my terrified expression.

I couldn't control my eyes traveling down his torso. He was really big and I was confused by my strange attraction towards him. All my life I was thinking I'm straight and I was of course. He was just so goddamn atractive. That's all.

I switched on water and we began to shower. He started washing his hands covered in slight amount of blood. I realized it has been a while since I said something.

"So... it's normal for this prison to ...ummm," I began and didn't knew how to say it. I felt like this place is so dirty and that horrible infections are lurking for somebody to infect and prisoners and jailers are just sadistic creatures waiting for you to be alone so they can do anything their twisted brain tells them. This place was too much for someone like me! I desrved a way way better.

"Yes. This is the botttom." Till said looking down. "Oh but of course could have been worse. You're lucky-"

"Oh! I'm lucky!? What a lucky si-"

"You're lucky for ending up at my cell, okay?" he said strictly and possessively but I lowkey liked that. "There are way worse dudes locked here." he winked. "Thank god they're not allowed to bathrooms." he smirked bitter.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, how I told you previously I'm not allowed to have visits and they banned my walks too because..." I could see his unease of telling me why. I was tortured by my curiousity. I wanted to know everything about him. "Anyway, they can ban those privilegies when you misbehave or refuse. I bet you'll stay without visiting stuff for a week or so as well." he smiled.

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