As I was taking the last two glasses of Iced coffee to the table, I heard multiple footsteps slowly going down the stairs. I giggled at the thought of them thinking I was some thief breaking into their house. Dad was the first one to peep his head to from the behind the staircase, and when he saw me his widened in shock. He looked like had almost saw a ghost. "A-Athena" he stuttered still in shock. "Saladin what are you going on about, Athena's on ear-" Aunts sentences was quickly cut off when she saw me in the kitchen. Her expression the exact same as dad. The It was Helia who appeared right behind the two. Popping his head from behind their shoulders. His also widening at the sight of me.

"Surprise" I cheered, Placing down the last cups on the table. Spreading my arms out wide. Helia was the first one to break out of their trance of shock and surprise. "Athena!" he called, running down the stairs and engulfing me in a hug. "Hey there, Helia" I chuckled wrapping my arms around his shoulder. "I missed you so much" confessed the long black haired male, nuzzling his face into my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. I missed me too big guy" I joked tapping his shoulder. "I take it back. I didn't miss you one bit" quickly said Helia pushing himself away from me. "Wait. No. No. No. I was kidding." I laughed tugging onto his arm. "Athena, Sweetheart. I missed you so much." said dad. I let go of Helia's arm and ran into my dads arms. "I missed you you too dad" I sighed, breathing in his scent. Breaking away from Dad, I went to go and hug my aunt, who had small tears in the corner of her eyes. "Oh don't cry Auntie Erkia" I said, whipping her tears. "I missed you soo much Athena. I can't being to express how happy I am to finally have you back" sniffled my aunt. " I missed you too Auntie" I chuckled hugging her back. "Oh so you miss my mum but not me." tched Helia.

I just gave him the middle finger and continued to hug my aunt. Helia seemed to get more pissed by this which just made it even more funny. Dad just chuckled at both of our behaviour. Breaking away from my Aunt I went over to Helia and wrapped my arms around his torso. Hugging him. "Come one now Helia. I would of course miss my Favourite cousin" I sighed. "I'm your only cousin" Pointed out Helia. "Shut up, your ruining the moment" I hiss pinching his side. Helia just chuckled and hugged me back.

After some more hugs, we all finally sat down and got started on breakfast. "Mmmmm. This is so good." Hummed Helia savouring the taste of the strawberry crepes. "I know right. It took me a while to nail down the perfect recipe but it was so worth it!" I said taking a sip of the coffee, letting out a silent moan of approval. "These are so delicious Athena, where did you learn to make these?" asked Auntie taking a bite of the chocolate stuffed pancakes. "Yeah, last time I remember you would almost set the house on fire because you failed at making simple toast" commented Helia taking a bite of the pancakes. "I didn't almost burn the house down" I disagreed rolling my eyes. "You did" said Dad and Aunt in synch. "HUH! DAD YOUR MEANT TO BE ON MY SIDE. WHAT'S THIS BETRAYAL ALL OF A SUDDEN" I yelled offended. Helia just smirked and stuck his tongue at me which I did back at him shaking my head. My dad and aunt just laughed at both of our behaviour. I really missed these moments. It feels great to be with them, again.

"So, Athena any interesting stories from Earth?" asked Aunt. "Hmmmm. It took me a while but I was able to find my self a job there which helped me buy a small apartment and a motorbike. I don't remember anything crazy or interesting happening." I pondered going through my previous memories. "Oh. Yesterday, I encountered a fairy from Earth and the Princess of Solaria" I exclaimed remembering yesterdays events. My family looked at me intrigued, wanting me to tell the story. So I did. Not sparing them a single detail.

"Hm, I do recall a group of sophomores bringing back a troll last night. " stated dad ponderingly. "So, so you plan on going to Alfea College?" asked Auntie turning her attention towards me. Both Helia and Dad both turned to look at me, waiting for my answer. "Yeah, I do. I just have this feeling that a lot of interesting things are gonna happen" I answered a little smirk making its way on my lips.
"By interesting you mean all those red fountain boys you're gonna ogle at" stated Helia sarcastically, with an eye roll. Earning himself a disapproving glare from my dad and a light chuckle from his mum. Whilst I smacked his arm with more force than needed, to which he hissed. Grabbing on to his arm in pain but still sticking his tongue out at me in a childish way of mockery.

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