3 - I don't know what has got into her

Start from the beginning

"Really? God Suzy, everyone suspects it. Well expect you and Aiden apparently."

"What are you suspecting?" Aiden was putting some food on a plate for Olivia and Leonardo.

"They all think that I'm pregnant." Suzy shrugged her shoulders.

Aiden dropped the container Chinese onto the table "Pregnant? Is that possible?"

"If you have sex than yes. Didn't you know that Aiden?" Luciano chuckled

Aiden took his car keys and walked out "I'll be right back. Eat." And he was gone.

"What was that?" Luciano was confused.

Taking a sip of water "he probably left to buy a pregnancy test." Suzy said. She looked so calm.

She was right, Aiden came back 30 minutes later. "They are nuts, do you know how many kinds there are?"

Suzy and Lizzy laughed "Yes, we know."

He dropped 10 tests on the table. "Drink Suzy, you need to pee."

"Yes Sir. But first let's eat. I will take one after diner. Okay?"

He grumbled "Fine."

POV Aiden Wright

Suzy was eating extra slow on purpose, I'm sure of it. Talking with Lizzy about who knows what. I don't care! C'mon Suzy eat and drink faster! I want to know if I'm going to be a dad.

Well, I'm already a dad, off my little princes Olivia. I love that little girl and I'm her daddy Aiden. Biological she isn't mine, but it feels like she is mine. Olivia and me, we have a bond. She mostly looks like Suzy, but Chris is also reflected in her. Her personality and character are a mix of Chris and me. She has adopted little traits of me.

"Need another drink, Suzy?" I asked her.

"No Aiden, thank you." She smiled sweetly.

Suzy whispered something to Lizzy, and they giggled together. It was good to see Lizzy smile like that. It miss her. But lately, sometimes the old Lizzy comes out. We all missed our happy girl. Suzy saw my glance at Lizzy and winked at me. 

James left; he was meeting Sebastian for a new mission. 30 minutes later Olivia crawled onto Lizzy's lap "ice-cream Liz?"

"I love to Liv." Lizzy put Olivia down and stood up. "Let's go kids, we're going for an ice cream. Mommy Suzy needs to pee on a stick!" Leonardo and Olivia cheered, and Lexie went along with it, imitating the older ones. 

Luciano stood up "I'll come with you." Lexie immediately held up her arms for Luciano to pick her up. Lizzy walked out hand in hand with Olivia and Leonardo.

"She looks happier." Suzy said when they left.

I nodded "yes today she does." Suzy walked up to me and hugged me.

"The only thing we can do for her is to be here for her."

"I know Suzy but sometimes I see her slip away."

"Aiden, everyone deals with grief differently."

"You did it too."

"I had you Aiden. And I also had Lizzy, she helped me a lot. If Lizzy loves someone it's with everything she has. When he died, he took a part of her with him. Maybe someday someone will walk into her life and brings that part back."

"I hope so, she has so much love in her. And she deserves to be loved."

"Indeed. So, are you ready to find out if we are pregnant or not?"

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