Chapter Two // We Visit A Freaky Stone Wonderland

Start from the beginning

    Before us was a tall woman who I assumed was Middle Eastern. The reason why I assumed that was because she was dressed in a long black dress that covered every inch of her body except for her hands, and her face was veiled with a curtain of black velvety cloth.

    "Children, it is too late to be out all alone!" The woman cried, clasping her hands as she spoke with a vaguely Middle Eastern accent. "Where are your parents?"

    I stared up at her with wide eyes, unsure what to do now.

    "They're ... um ..." Annabeth stammered, caught off guard.

    "We're orphans," Percy said, and I flinched a little bit.

    If I was a demigod or half-blood, then I was not technically an orphan, but the words still resonated deep within me, and I quickly tried to cover up my reaction, getting a glance from Annabeth.

    "Orphans?!" The woman gasped. "But, my dears! Surely not!"

    "We got separated from our caravan," Percy continued his elaborate lie that he had pulled together in a matter of seconds. He sounded a little stiff, but he was answering, and that was what mattered. "Our circus caravan. The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station if we got lost, but he may have forgotten, or maybe he meant a different gas station." His voice sped up, and he just basically blabbed the last part, "Anyway, we're lost. Is that food I smell?"

    "Oh, my dears," The woman cooed. "You must come in, poor children! I am Aunty Em. Go straight through to the back of the warehouse, please. There is a dining area."

    We thanked her before entering, and Annabeth leaned over to Percy and muttered with a raised brow, "Circus caravan?"

    "Always have a strategy, right?"

    "Your head is full of kelp."

    I snickered, looking around at the statues briefly, not really paying attention to the life-sized cement figures as I followed Percy and Annabeth deeper into the warehouse.

    I dropped onto one of the spots in front of the steal picnic tables, Percy taking a spot next to me and Grover and Annabeth taking spots across from us.

    Annabeth kept glancing at me, and I was about to ask her why she kept staring at me like I was some kind of alien or something when Grover announced, "Um, we don't have any money, ma'am."

    "No, no, children!" Aunty Em shook her head. "No money! This is a special case, yes? It is my treat for such nice orphans."

    I stopped myself from wincing at the title this time as Annabeth replied, "Thank you, ma'am."

    I watched Aunty Em and noticed her entire figure go stiff before relaxing just as quickly.

    I briefly furrowed my brows but came to the conclusion that I had imagined it and listened as the woman said, "Quite all right, Annabeth. You have such beautiful gray eyes, child."

    Ten minutes, us kids were scarfing down double cheeseburgers, shakes, and XXL servings of french fries.

    I do not remember the last time I ate as much as I did while we were there. I think I ate three burgers, two and a half shakes, and maybe five servings of fries.

    I finally actually got full when Grover, who still had not eaten anything, abruptly asked, "What's that hissing noise?"

    I strained my ears and looked at Annabeth and Percy, who just shrugged in confusion.

    "Hissing?" Aunty Em inquired, looking at the redhead. "Perhaps you hear the deep-fryer oil? You have keen ears, Grover."

    "I take vitamins. For my ears."

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