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I got a headcanon that Cherry gets a lot of headaches from small things. Which is called a migraine and I need to take medication for it so yeah lol. I'm just putting myself into Cherry so I don't feel alone. Also Cherry and Joe are married and live together because I said so.

As soon a Kaoru got home from work, he changed his clothes and flopped onto his bed, wishing he wasn't alive. It's like no matter what he did, he'd always get this headache. All day, every day. He could barely stand going to 'S' almost every night. His head ached so bad. He gets so nauseous, his vision will get blurry, even with his glasses on and his ears will ring, he can barely understand the voices around. Kaoru has even almost passed out many times. Luckily, his now husband was there to help him through it all. And as soon as Kojiro saw Kaoru playing face down on the bed, he knew what was up. He walks in the bedroom and sits on the bed.

"How bad is it?"
Kojiro asked

"I don't know anymore. I barely did anything
today and it's still horrible. There's no way I
can go to 'S' tonight."
Kaoru sighed, sitting up.

"Have you took your pills today? The doctor
said those should help."
He suggested

"Of course I did! I take them every time I
feel the headache start. I did everything he said
to do and it still hasn't helped. Plus they aren't
even pills."
The pink haired male responded

"Maybe try sleeping..."
Kojiro began, but cut himself off when he
saw Kaoru covering his ears.

"Are your ears ringing again?"
He asked, the other nodding, eyes shut
tight, so tight they might not open again.

The red eyed male pulled him into his
lap, holding him close and stroking his hair.
"Don't close your eyes so tightly, that'll
make it worse."
He whispered calmly.

"Once your ears stop ringing, try sleeping
it off, that might help a little."
Kojiro added

"I'll try."
Kaoru agreed, giving in.

"Do you want more of your medicine?"
He asked.

The calligrapher nodded.

Kojiro pulled Kaoru off his lap, getting
up and getting his prescribed medication for
these dumbass migraines.
"Here you go princess."
Kojiro teased.

"Not the time."


  Kaoru took his medicine. It wasn't a pill though. Kaoru hated taking pills, it was a tiny thing that dissolved in his mouth. He knows that seems so unprofessional, especially for him. But he just couldn't take pills, he hated them. Hated them.

  Eventually, he'd be laying back down with Kojiro under him, cuddling and wishing he was dead. Not Kojiro, him, Kaoru Sakurayashiki. These migraines always got the best of him. Made it so he couldn't do anything beside laying in his bed, feeling useless. Going to S was a challenge for him now. It has been since high school. Now his eyes were slowly closing, he hoped and prayed his migraine would be gone when he woke. 

  Now early next morning, Kojiro called them both out of work, so they could just relax and try anything they could to help Kaoru's migraines. Kaoru was grateful for that. Grateful for him. And good news, he felt so much better, which always happens. Just wait until the end of the day.

Sk8 the Infinity ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora