Drunk Headcanons

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  I'm including everyone but Miya since he's a long way until being the drinking age in Japan. I'm aging Reki and Langa up for this because they are 17 in the anime and they're closer to the drinking age.

Ship(s)- Renga, Matchablossom


-A very sad drunk. He kinda likes to vent a little because he's probably been wanting to get it off his chest for a while. He doesn't get drunk often but when he does, the main reason is because there's something bothering him.

-He also has a low alcohol tolerance so he can get tipsy pretty easily

-His words get slurred. Not that slurred but still, slurred

-has the WORST hangover, even if he didn't drink that much it's so bad

-Miya got good photos and videos and sent them to their gc. I mean, they all had photos and videos but Miya always got the best of them.

-He's tried to drink so many times when he was still underaged and Cherry or Carla would catch him every time he tried so when he became of age they al went to Joe's restaurant and partied. Reki was the only one that got INSANELY drunk. They're all drunk but Miya. But Reki.. it was to a different level. This all happened after the restaurant was supposed to be closed so it was only the 7 of them. (Yes Oka was there too)


-He's more bold when he drinks. He gets soooo cocky for no reason.

-An average alcohol tolerance. Not bad at all. It's just higher than Reki's

-His words get soooo slurred when he's drunk though. It's hard to understand what he's saying

-He hardly drinks. Like no shots, no beers, no nothing. So when he does drink, Miya is always prepared to get those videos. Always sending them to the gc too

-Like Reki, when he drinks, it's usually because there's something bothering him but other times it's because the adults encourage him to loosen up a bit more. (No not peer pressuring him)

-He definitely gets a hangover. He's so confused why though.


-This is when he really loosens up. He tells the best jokes and stories. He laughs so much and he's just constantly falling or tripping over something

-Words are NEVER slurred. This man is perfection

-Very high alcohol tolerance

-Yes, hangovers are always the worst, especially for Kaoru. He makes Kojiro take care of him.


-A sleepy drunk. I know, boring for his character. But he can be a mix between a sleepy drunk, horny and sad. He's mainly a sleepy drunk though.

-Average alcohol tolerance. He knows how to control it really well.

-Words are barely slurred. You can't even tell.

-Has the best hangover out of all of them. It barely affects him. He makes Kaoru take care of him.


-Most definitely a sad drunk. You see it in episode 6 when he was crying about the manager to Kojiro.

-It may seem like he has a high tolerance.. no. It's a low alcohol tolerance.

-yes. Words a very slurred as well.

-Hangovers aren't bad. Just sleep it off and he's good.

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