"Am I going alone or are some other people going to go with me?" I asked.

"That is a good question. For this mission, Sakura and Hinata will accompany you...and Obito..." Lady Tsunade was still having a hard time believing that Obito, out of all the people that I would have brought back to Konoha, was the one I brought back.

"Alright, I will tell them." I bowed down before I left the office.

Mini time skip~

"Do you have everything prepared?" Hinata asked, sounding similar to a doting mother would.

"Yes, I do. How about you Sakura?" I asked the pinkette who stood beside me with a huge bag in hand.

"I'm ready for anything." she grinned.

I then turned to Obito, "How about you? Have you packed everything? Clothes? Toothbrushes? Underwear? Snacks for the journey?" It was now my turn to sound like a doting mother.

"Yes (Y/n), I have." The ravenette blushed in embarrassment when I had mentioned 'Underwear', I shrugged at his childish behavior, underwear is something you would definitely need.

"Let's start traveling then." I was the first one to take a step out of Konoha's gates, the fresh air of the forrest met my senses, it was definitely refreshing.

Mini time skip~

"Gaara, it's been a long time. I'm really sorry for being cold to you after...you know what happened." I was quick to apologize, regretting my prior actions.

"It's alright, I understand, but besides that, welcome to Sunagakure. It is a pleasure to have you and your friends here, (Y/n)." I was instantly shocked when the redhead had sent me a pleasant closed eyed smile, he's changed a lot since then; I'm really happy.

"Then I guess it'll be better if me and my friends sort things out first. We have a lot to unpack." I lifted my huge bag as emphasis, I knew Hinata was slightly struggling.

"About that, do you mind if you share a room with your friend Obito? We are short on rooms, I'm sorry." Gaara apologized, giving me another heart attack, is this really Gaara? The Gaara that would have killed someone without so much so as a second thought years ago?

Time skip~

I had unpacked my things, now I was comfortably lying in bed with a book in hand. It was a really interesting book, it was called (second favorite book), it was written by (author). I found the book really interesting because of the characters and the storyline, I was sure it was a very well thought out book.

"(Y/n)..." Obito called out, gaining my attention.

"Yes Obito?" I asked, looking away from the book.

"Can I hug you?" My face had reddened at the sudden odd request, the fact that Obito was actually a male adult had only reached me a few days ago, but I guess I wouldn't mind hugging him, Obito's warm and cuddly despite being a murderer and villain not so long ago.

I think you wouldn't mind because you like him. Shadow accused.

I don't like him, at least not in that way. I literally just met him. Do you really expect me to fall for someone that quickly?

You could develop a crush for someone under four minutes, that's a fact.

I really can't change your mind, can I? Well, whatever floats your boat Shadow.

So you didn't deny that he could be a future husband. He's future husband number 5, Gaara being the 6th one. The dragon boldly declared.

I sighed at what Shadow had said, but I focussed my thoughts on Obito, "Of course." I set the book aside, having my arms wide open so Obito would be able to comfortably hug me.

Konoha's PriestessWhere stories live. Discover now