To Suna

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Sasuke's POV

I impatiently tapped my foot against the ground, I was waiting for Kabuto to emerge. The snake man was definitely taking his time. I knew it would have been suspicious to ask the man if I could meet him out of the blue, and it was, since I plotted to kill him. I sighed, what am I'm doing? Is it really worth it? It is exactly what (Y/n) stands against, she wants to save the world while I want to destroy the world. If I do end up succeeding in my goal, I'm sure (Y/n) will end up hating me, not to say that she hasn't done that.

"Sasuke Uchiha..." A male voice called out, it was Kabuto the snake man and Orochimaru's former apprentice.

So he finally decided to show himself, "Good bye Kabuto." I launched a blow that would have killed the snake man if he wouldn't have dodged. I had an annoyed look on my face.

"I knew that you asking to meet me here was a simply way to assassinate me. I'm very offended that you would think I would fall for something so obvious." Kabuto's annoying voice droned on, sounding akin to a whining child.

"It was worth a try, but now that you know that I am here to take your life, we might as well go on a full out battle." I gathered my chakra to a certain body part, my arms.

"Let's see if you could achieve such a thing." Kabuto grinned slyly, just like how a predator would as he stalked his prey.

My eyes widened in disbelief as the snake man performed a jutsu called Edo Tensei. My eyes somehow continued to widen as I saw reincarnated Akatsuki members emerge from wood coffins. I felt my heart stop as my eyes landed on a familiar face, it was my brother.

"Your goal is to destroy the world, is it not?" I knew what Kabuto wanted to do, he wanted to make a deal.

"What of it?" I growled, my eyes straying to big brother's reanimated body.

"I would lend you these edo tensei fighters if you were to return yourself to me after you have destroyed the world. Keep in mind that these fighters consist of your dead brother and the real Madara Uchiha." The snake man offered, grinning almost evilly, this is like making a deal with the devil.

"What will you do to me?" I inquired.

"Experiment on you and...some other things. But once everything is said and done, you will not have anymore purpose, so why don't you let me experiment on you? It would be a waste to pass on such a wonderful opportunity such as experimenting on a Uchiha." Kabuto's previous evil grin had turned devilish, I could almost imagine the male adorning a pair of horns and a spiked tail; this is what making a deal with the devil is like.

I paused, contemplating whether or not I'd agree to such a thing. This deal would definitely help me in destroying Konoha, but I still wanted to reign over it, but would reigning over the remaining ninja's benefit me without (Y/n) by my side? No, it wouldn't be since she is the only one I still love and she hates me. So yes, I think it would be fine if I threw my life away after I had accomplished my own goal.

"It is a deal." I agreed, sheathing my katana.

Kabuto grinned at this, "You made the right decision, Sasuke."

(Y/n)'s POV

"You want me to go to Sunagakure? Why? Not that I'm disappointed." I was curious as to why Lady Tsunade would ask me to do such a thing, it was pretty confusing.

"Since we now have what we call the 'Allied Shinobi Forces', I would like to station you in Sunagkaure as an offering so to speak. You are Konoha's most powerful fighter, it would give off the impression that I trust Sunagakure if I made you go there." the ash blond explained, she should have put someone else instead of me. But on the positive side, I'll be able to see Gaara again which is good.

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