Driving Distracted But No One's Actually Distracted

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Updating this cause one of my friends said I should, no frfr spicy scenes this chapter, sorry

Mrs. Jackson by Outkast

He brought his face dangerously close to mine, his gaze going from my eyes to my lips. He was so close I could smell his cologne -a very good scent might I add- as he continued closing the distance between us.

He smirked, "So, about that shirt?"

I blushed furiously, a little frustrated, "Yeah.."

He pulled away but not before running his hands up my sides quickly, his touch lingering. He disappeared into his closet to find some clothes.

I stayed against the door for a few seconds, catching my breath before pulling away as well.

I haven't been in here in years.

His room was huge and the walls were almost covered in various posters and decor, but with the empty spaces in between you could tell his walls were a dark blue. A red electric guitar was hung near a Metallica poster. He had a simple queen sized bed with black sheets, and his floor was a simple gray-brown wood with a drum set in the corner.

"Here, these should work."

I turned around quickly to see him holding out a shirt and some shorts.

"Oh.. yeah, thanks Tristan."

I dont look at him, I'm afraid that if I do I'll say something stupid and end up regretting it. Instead I just take his clothes and head to the restroom to change.

I lock the door and slip off my clothing, changing into the clothes I got from Tristan. A gray Ghost band shirt and black shorts. A man of culture, I see.

The shirt is long, reaching mid thigh. The sleeves aren't much better as they pretty much cover my upper arms. Not even to mention the shorts, they were so long I had to roll the waistband up multiple times.

I stare at myself for another minute or two before I get interrupted by a knock on the door.

"In here."

"Hurry the hell up Asher."

I roll my eyes, of course it's Xae.

I unlock the door and walk out, Xae walking in and closing it after me. I look up and see Tristan leaning against the wall, staring at me with another stupid smirk, a lollipop stick hanging out of his mouth.

"You look good."

"And you look like shit, what else is new?"

"Aw, don't be that way. You know I don't bite, unless you wan-"

"And I'm gonna stop you right there." I cut him off, my cheeks as cherry red as usual when it comes to Tristan.

"You're flustered, do you actually want me to?" He said and it genuinely sounded like he was asking.

I stay speechless before Xae interrupts our conversation, my lord and savior Xae.

"Could you stop flirting with my best friend? It makes me feel sick." They said, making a puking face as well for extra emphasis.

"Fine," He said, "Mom and Dad got home earlier."

This got both of our attention, as Xae and Tristan's parents are rarely home, allways on business trips or whatever excuse it is.

"Really, when?" Xae asked.

"Like around 8 ish. I was gonna tell you, but I got interrupted by your little bestfriend."

"There ain't no way you just referred to me as little."

"Well, you are so I don't see an issue with that."

"Maldito idiota." I mutter under my breath.
(Fucking idiot)

They both exchange a look and Xae clears their throat, "Let's go talk to our parents."

And so we did.

"Asher," Xae and Tristan's mother started, "Tell me again, why exactly is it that you were kicked out?"

"Umm, well.. I came out to my family and they took it a lot worse than expected."

Both of their gazes softened and they looked at me sadly. Finally she spoke up again.

"Well, feel free to stay here as long as you need. I assume you've been sleeping in Xae's room?"


This time it was Xae's dad, Phil, who spoke up.

"Well we might as well move you to the guest room then. No I don't mean that in the overprotective parent way, I mean that as in, this way you can have your own room. Obviously you two can still have sleepovers and shit but I think it would be a good option for the both of you."

"Thank you so much Mr. Carter." I said.

"Please call me Phil, kid."

"Ooh, also me and Asher are going shopping so could we borrow like a hundred?" Xae interrupted.

"Sure Xae." Phil responded with a sigh.

"I'll drive you guys." Tristan offered, glancing at me.

So there we were, me in shotgun (somehow), Xae in the back and Tristan driving. We were blasting music and screaming the lyrics at the top of our heads, which, in my most humble opinion, is the absolute best thing to do with friends.




I was about to start singing again when I suddenly felt a warm hand resting on my knee. I quickly looked down to see a veiny arm with multiple rings. I looked over to Tristan and saw that he was just staring at the road ahead with another one of his stupid smirks on his face.

Well, I'm glad the hoe's at least not driving distracted.

927 words😍
Tbh, I genuinely thought I'd be able to get a lot more work in but I'm so tired so goodnight ig.
Love yall,

Not Another Cliché Romanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें