You've Changed

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A/N: Hii, welcome to my first book!! I'm sorry if it's not entirely gramatically correct, my mental issues have been pretty fucked recently and I'm on a shit ton of melatonin at the moment so that's fun. Enjoy!!

~After Dark by Mr. Kitty~

"You're telling me that after we've literally done nothing wrong when raising you, that you turn out fucking gay?"


"Nothing wrong? Are you fucking serious? I've lived the past years in pain and fear because I thought, no knew there was something wrong with me. I LIVED through the hate crimes, endless bullying, sexual fucking assault and when I came home with the god damn bruises I couldn't even tell you why I had them because of that same damn fear that you would just add to them."

"Watch your tone young man. Just you wait till your father gets home."

"Home? How can you even call this a home, when theres so much hate practically resonating through the halls?"

"What, do you think you're a fucking poet now too?"

"Honestly just fuck off, you're just a fucking bitch."

"Did I just hear you call your mother a bitch?"

Oh, fuck he's home now too.

'He' being my moms new boyfriend.

"Oh, baby you're finally home. Did you hear what this fucking lame excuse of a son had to say?" Bitch #1 said sweetly.

"No, I just got here." Bitch #2 replied.

"Oh, well I think he would love to fill you in then." She said with a cold tone.

My eyes widened and silently pleaded with her to not force me, to which she responded with a sweet smile, or one that would have been sweet, if you hadn't seen her eyes.
Hatred behind them, pure hatred.

I took a shaky deep breath and stared at my feet, "I'm.. I'm gay."

I slowly forced my eyes to look him in the eyes. His jaw clenched as surprise flashed across his features, shortly replaced by confusion, disappointment, and then anger.

I was scared. I was so scared in fact, that I almost bolted right then and there.

"Fifteen minutes." He finally said, surprisingly calm.


"Fifteen minutes for you to pack and get the hell out of here, or I'm going to have to get physical, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that."

My eyes widened and I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed two random duffel bags and filled them with all my essentials, my phone, and my earbuds, then I sprinted out the front door.

"Yeah, get out of my house you fucking fag." I heard from Bitch #2 right as I closed the door.

I just got kicked out.


I walked for a while before coming to a stop at the town library, where I sat down and sent a message to Xae, my best friend.

Me (the baddest bitch in the wild west): You know how I said I was going to come out to the bitches?

Donkey shit: Yea, wsp

Me (the baddest bitch in the wild west): Well, I did, and now I no longer have a house.

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