• Chapter 12 • New Paragraph •

Start from the beginning

It was the only way to feel reassurance, to warm his heart and try to escape those nightmares.
Was it too much to ask for a kiss, to hold him tight?

It might not be, or maybe Harry was too generous, since he accepted every single kiss while caressing Matt's back.
Then, he rested his head on his shoulder, the Shadowhunter embranced his body with one arm, his free hand caressed Harry's chin, tracing it smoothly, as well as his neck, cinnamon-like skin warmed by the morning sun, tingling due to such soft caresses.

Even when they parted, the dizziness that kiss caused was still present.
They couldn't understand how such a calm and tender kiss could be at the same time so passionate and capable of making them lose track of time.

-And now? Will you tell me? -Harry's soft voice and the way he touched Matt's nose with his was so adorable, so sweet and loving that the Shadowhunter couldn't resist.

Slowly, his hazel eyes opened until meeting the brown ones, shining with the sun, with the light of love.

-You're insistent, aren't you? -Matt raised his eyebrows, his fingers tracing Harry's jaw.

-Just a little... -He laughed, making himself comfortable next to the other boy, his head still on his shoulder as he hugged him.

-Fine... -What else could he do? That boy definitely put a spell on him.

Leaving a kiss on Harry's nose, the Shadowhunter got ready to expose his thoughts.
As he did it, his foreread rested on Harry's, both shared an intimate moment where one talked and the other patiently listened.
It wasn't a pleasant thing to talk about, the Shadowhunter found impossible to describe what happened without details. Like permanent runes, those events remained inside his head.
Several times he silently thanked for having such confidence with Harry and being able to talk to him, knowing he wouldn't judge.

The fact that Matt had to go through such thing alone, that the place was capable of torturing his strong mind, was something that shattered Harry's heart into pieces.
He wanted to turn back time, to be there and shield him, but since he couldn't do that, his best option was staying by his side, helping him to stand up once again.

-Magic is complicated, even for me...

Once that Matt was finished, Harry took a moment, just for both to relax before speaking. The story gave him goosebumps, even more when thinking about Matt there, alone, praying for help.

-That cave made everyone of us see different things, I'm sure about that... -His gloved hand took Matt's, starting to play with his fingers. Just small touches were enough to ease their sorrow. -It wanted to play with our minds...

-But it seemed so real... -Matt watched their hands, sighed. -I knew it wasn't... But at the same time I doubted... I saw everything cleary...

The thin line that separated reality from fiction was totally blurry inside that cave, Harry could perfectly understand and Matt knew, he knew he could be completely honest.
And the half warlock didn't need to read the other boy to be sure of his pain.

-What if that thing was right? What if someday I get you all killed?

Just the thought pressured the Shadowhunter's chest in a way that even the other boy could feel, so he intertwined their fingers, looked directly into his eyes.

-What will happen is a mistery but I have no doubt that you could never do that... I told you, your soul is beautiful, and a beautiful soul could never cause harm... -His honestly, his kindness and loving words, every soft touch, every fond stare left no space to doubts.
Even if Matt did such thing, Harry would stay with him, he would never leave his side.

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