Poor thing.
"We're going to be performing a song called Kissing In cars, we wrote it ourselves. Before we start the song, I want to dedicate it to the love of my life." Those words had my heart begging to be released like it had when I first met him. Heat reached my ears and cheeks as Vic continued to speak, "Kellin, I know you're not happy with me right now and that's very understandable. I messed up regrettably, and I'm so, so sorry. I love you and our little beans with every bit of my heart." I almost couldn't believe my own ears. When I had heard it before he hadn't given it a name. They were performing the song he wrote for me. I haven't heard it finished yet, and even the mere fact I was about to, made me sit up straight in my seat. I looked at Nick and Justin who just had smiles plastered on their faces.
They knew about this. That's why Justin sounded suspicious! He won't be able to hide shit from me anymore.

As the song started Vic found me in the crowd, keeping his eyes on me as he sang. Our eyes being trapped by one another made everyone else fade from my peripheral. My heart fluttered in my chest just like the butterflies in my belly. I run a hand along my tummy feeling the triplets move around, and a smile was tugging at the corner of my lips. Tears gathered in my eyes, pooling out as Vic transitioned into the last part of the song. I thought he was going to show up at my locker, my house, or even one of my classes to apologize to me. I wasn't expecting him to sing to me in front of the whole school this way. Every day, I still missed his arms around me. I missed waking up to him playing his guitar, or just to see him sleeping next to me. I missed having to fight him for the covers at night, and running my fingers through his soft hair while kissing him as if we were the only two people that existed on earth. I missed how he would get excited over the triplets. Since my emotions have calmed down I could still see him as a great partner for me, and an amazing dad to our babies. I needed him. We needed him. My hearts so softened from the act that I don't think I can drag things out any longer.

As Vic finished the song, he walked closer to me until the cord of the microphone couldn't go any farther. "I'm so sorry Princess." I could see it in his eyes this time that he was being truthful. I think it is time for us to have a conversation. With Nick's help since there was no other support around me, I stood up from my spot not caring about who was staring at me. A soft smile kept on my features as I approached him, a smile brightening on his own.

God, I miss those lips!
I let my arms go around his neck, his finding their way around me as far as they could go. Without a word I pressed my lips against his in a sweet kiss, and I felt relief cover my whole being. The applause erupted all around us faded away as he kissed me for a few seconds before he pulled away.
I told him, "I accept your apology."
Vic stepped back cheering and jumping around causing me to laugh covering it with my hand. The lights had come on, and I could clearly see everyone who cheered for us. All the eyes had stage fright creeping into my stomach, and I found myself stepping closer to Vic.

"Let's get out of here please? I want to talk with you and also grab food," Vic asked and I nodded. A second wave of relief captured me as everyone had begun to pile out of the gymnasium.
"That was so cute! I got the whole thing!" Justin smiled while holding up his phone.
"Send it to me too, Ma's gonna love to see it! She misses you so much, Kellin." Mike said happily.

I was so caught up in talking with everyone else I didn't notice Oliver had walked up to me until he tapped my shoulder.
"Hey can we talk really quick?" He asked. I looked over at Vic who's gaze had grown cold and narrow as he eyed Oliver. Placing a hand on his back his eyes were drawn to mine and through them, I said, "Don't worry."
"I'll be right back," I told the group before walking away. I could feel eyes practically burning holes into my skin, Vic was keeping an eye on us. Maybe more so Oliver than me.
"Yes?" I asked, once we were far enough away.
"I know we haven't been hanging out for that long, but I really thought we had something going," he said, folding his arms his bottom lip protruding acutely.
"I'm sorry Oliver. I do think you're an amazing guy, but I want to see if I can work things out with Vic," I admitted to him, one corner of my mouth pulling my lips.

I Knew It Was You (Kellic)(Mpreg) 2022Where stories live. Discover now