Ch 1 Take It

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I Apologize For Any Misspellings

Karl ground as the sun peeked through the bedroom window, waking him. He sat up sleepily and looked at his little bird boyfriend on the opposite side of their bed. Karl crawled towards Quackity and kissed his little duck on the head. Quackity was a hard sleeper and did not even flinch. Karl noticed Sapnap wasn't in bed, which was off. Sapnap was usually the second or last one awake. Karl was worded as he crawled out of bed. He started quickly on his morning routine, before Quackity woke up. Karl knew Quackity loves his morning hugs and or cuddles, Karl didn't want to be found out by Quackity's hugs.

Sleepily, he strolled to their small walk-in closet, and took one of Sapnap black hoodies, a pair of his shorts and a shirt. Karl went into their shared bathroom, which is reached through their bedroom. Still yawning after locking the door, Karl picks up his toothbrush and toothpaste. He started brushing his teeth. As he brushed, Karl opened his drawer. He took out a clean binder and put it on the counter. Thankfully the three of them decided to each have their own drawer, and to not open one others and take things out. Karl finished brushing his teeth and took off his hoodie. He sighed at himself in the mirror. "Why do I look like this-" Karl turned away from the mirror to not see himself, "No, no. Only positive words. We can do this!" Karl put on his binder and a black and white shirt with a small mushroom on it. He turned to the mirror. Karl looked at his reflection, then down at himself "Just don't let them see...".

Karl put on his shorts and Sapnap hoodie. Leaving the bathroom just as a somewhat dressed Quackity woke up(somewhat; as in, he just had boxers on). Quackity yond and stretch his arm above his head. "Morning cutie," a sleepy Quackity said, sitting up. Karl sat next to him on the bed, sure enough he gave Karl a warm hug. "Good morning Q." Karl hugged him back.

Quackity was feeling confident that morning, so he kissed Karl on his neck. Karl giggled, then kissed Quackity shoulder. He held Karl closer to his chest, immediately started kissing and gently biting Karl's neck. Karl pulled out of their little morning cuddle. "Q! What the honk!" Quackity laid back on the bed laughing historically, Karl could help but laugh too.

Karl stands up and walks to the door. Before he went downstairs to look for Sapnap, he just had to look back at Quackity in their bedroom doorway. 'Man, he is so cute in the morning' Karl thought to himself. Not that Karl didn't think that all day about Quackity and Sapnap.

Karl walked down the stairs and he was hit with the aroma of bacon, one of his favorite things to eat in the morning. "Morning dear!" Sapnap said with a wide smile turning towards Karl. "Morning Sappy'' Karl said sitting on the counter, (Yes on😌) watching Sapnap put the bacon on three different plates. The purple plate is Karl's, the blue is Quackity's, and the orange is Sapnap's. Karl got a little cereus, "Why are ya up so early? You like to sleep in." Karl perked his hand to listen. Sapnap sighs as he dished up the eggs too."Karl~" Sapnap said as a disappointed parent would have, as if their child forgot it was a halliday.

Sapnap walks over to Karl at the counter, and places his hands on either side of Karl. "Yeeeess?" Karl replied.
"Karl, do you know where we're going today?" Karl looked into Sapnap's brown and orange eyes, as if there was a clue somewhere. Karl looked very focused. Sapnap could tell Karl was trying very hard to remember.

A still non-dressed Quackity broke their silence, "You two gonna kiss and like make out or~" Quackity said walking down the stairs. Sapnap pulled away from Karl, leaving him with a red face. Quackity laughed as he grabbed his plate and sat down at the table. Karl hoped of the counter doing the same, followed Quackity sitting in his spot next to Quackity. "We're going to meet up with Nikki and Captain Puffy in a few hours." Sapnap said as he sat down on the other side of Quackity, to settle Karl's confusion. The three cheated while they were eating breakfast.

Sapnap picked up Quackity's right hand and massaged it, "Baby Q? We have to leave soon. Could you please go get dressed." With his left hand free, he placed it on Quackity leg "I love seeing you like this, but I'm not the gals' will." Sapnap asked Quackity with a small smirk. Quackity was a bit flushed and his checks turned a light pink. Karl rolled his eyes. Making a gagging sound, and the motion of throwing up. Quackity laughed at Karl, "Really Karlose? Gagging? You know you're in this relationship too~" Quackity put his left hand on Karl's knee, any higher and Karl might cry. He made a kissy face at Karl. Karl giggled and his partners goofiness, rewarding Quackity with a quick kiss.

Quackity was in thare room changing, while Sapnap was reading a book in the living room.
Karl helped out by doing the dishes. After some time Sapnap went towards the stairs
"Bunny. I'm going to see why Quackity is talking so long." Karl smiled at Sapnap, symbolizing an 'okay'. After some time he finished and waited on the couch for them. When he herd,
"KARL!?" Karl thought to himself, 'was that a question?'
"Yes!" He called back.
"COME UP HERE PLEASE!?" Sapnap shouted from upstairs. Karl made his way upstairs. As he walked to their bedroom he heard giggling and whispers from Sapnap and Quackity. Karl opens their door to see two boys in T poses, wearing matching hoodies, jeans and beanies. Karl sighs and holds his arms out in front of him. Witch Quackity gladly took the Bear hug. Sapnap brought some of the same clothes to Karl, and Karl took them. They both looked at him with excited eyes. Karl jesters to the door with his head.
"Are you two going to leave so I can change-'' before Karl could finish what he was saying, Quackity ran out, partially closing the door behind him.

Sapnap looks at him with a somewhat disappointed look, as he walked up to Karl.
"You know one day, I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to change in front of us." Sapnap cups Karl's face, and kisses him on the forehead. Sapnap pulls away from him leaving his hands on Karl's face.
"We love you so much Karl. And we just want you to feel comfortable, we will be by your side for however long that takes." Karl looks up at him and smiles looking into Sapnap's eyes.
"I will, one day. But thank you for being patient with me." Karl remakes, placing his right hand on Sapnap's left wrist. Sapnap smalls back at Karl, before leaning in and kissing Karl. He was surprised at first but soon melted into his lover's embrace. Sapnap left their room, closing the door behind him. Karl, red faced, locked their door then started changing into the matching outfit.

The three left to meet up with Nikki and Puffy’s, at their open garden shake. Thep walked for a little over twenty minutes before arriving at the shake. They started repotting some large platelets, to bigger pots because they outgrow the origin pot. A few hours had passed before they finished. Sapnap and Quackity were bored sitting around for hours. So to the unknown logic to anyone, they took Captain Puffy’s hat and ran into the feeled with it. With the Captain right behind them.

"Thanks again Nikki, for letting us come out and garden with you two." Karl said while cleaning up their mess. The others were still chasing one another in the grass field. Quackity and Sapnap had taken Puffy's pirate hat, in turn Puffy was chasing them to recover it from them.
"Oh my pleasure Karl!" They went on cleaning up the dirt and seeds of the counters. Nikki had a question on her mind, and thought it was a good time to ask.
"I have a question though Karl.'' Nikki stopped and looked towards Karl.
"Ya?" He kept working. Nikki went on and said
"Well I was thinking about-'' Nikki was cut off from a ring tone. It was Karl's phone
"Oh sorry" Karl pulled out his phone to see who it was from. Karls face changed quickly to a serious look, as he read the name.

#a#####a## Calling

1359: WORDS

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