Chapter One: Studio Flow

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"Rayne!" Jay said. 

"I'm just joking." 

"Well, let's get started." 

She went into the booth and began laying down the track.

Always loving on me.
(Zipper) Always hugging on me
(Zipper) And always got you tuggin on my,
Tuggin on my Zipper;
ain't got nothing on me.
(Zipper) but you always searching on me.
(Zipper) I'm trynna go, but he can't keep his hands.

(I want to add that this is a snippet of one of Christina Milan's songs from way back)

Yeah, she has potential, all right. Yeah, right, a grape has more potential than her. Jay looked back at me. I gave him that look like I told you so. 

"Uh, Cassidy, you can come out." She came out of the booth. 

"Wow, that was it. That was so easy." 

"Uh yeah, we'll finish tomorrow when Rayne finishes the song." 

"Thanks again, Rayne, for writing a song for me. I can't wait until I hear the rest." 

I gave her an awkward smile. I didn't know how to react to that because I'm only here to be paid nothing more and nothing less. I didn't choose this project I was picked for this project. 

I told her no problem and told Jay to make sure he emails me the music so that I can finish the song. I gathered my things to head home. 

I walked out into the hall, trying to stuff my notebook into my bag, then I went flying backward and hit the ground.

 "I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going I said, getting up." 

"No, it's my fault. I should've been paying better attention." He said, handing me my notebook. That's when I looked up at him. 

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." 

"Good," he said, walking off into Jay's studio. I left the building, got in my car, and went home.

I opened the door to my apartment and walked in. I saw the red light flashing on my answering machine. I checked my message and turned on the water to take a bath. 

"Rayne, this is your mother. I want you to call me back."

I heard my mother's voice on the answering machine. Ugh, what could she want? Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. She bugs me too much about me settling down and giving her grandkids. 

"Rayne, I was calling because I wanted to know if you wanted to be the main girl in my. I know you don't do those things, but I hoped you could. Call video, and call me back when you get this."

Chris has been trying to get me to be a principal girl in his video for years. Rayne, I have someone I want you to meet. Could you call me back? 

Girl, you are never at home. Call me back, but it would be nice if you turned on your cell, and I could call you on that call me back.  

 I never have my cell phone in the studio, and she knows everyone knows that. That's' why I have a house phone so people can leave me their nonessential messages. Cell phones were created for emergencies only, so if you call me and I don't answer, don't ever leave a message because I think something terrible happened, so leave me a message on my house phone. 

I grabbed my radio, plugged it into the wall in my bathroom, put a cassette tape, and got into the tub. Yes, a radio and cassette. This is a much-needed bubble bath. It calms me, which helps me come up with lyrics. I was contemplating whether or not to answer the person knocking on my door at 1 in the morning after I'd just gotten in the bath.

I got out and dressed and went to answer the door. I look through the peephole, and to my surprise. By the look on my face, she knew I was angry. 

"Sorry Rayne, I forgot my key." 

"Forgot your key," I said at the same time as her. 

"You always need to remember your key. Next time this happens, I'm leaving you to stand outside. Where were you anyway? Oh wait, let me guess out with Jared." 

"Yes." She said, smiling. "He had a little get-together at his place. Oooh, you should meet his roommate. H is so cute." 

"No thanks, I don't need your charity." 

"But it wouldn't be charity. I know you need a man, but you're not that desperate, and he's really cute, like Shemar Moore." 

"No, the last time you tried to fix me up, I ended up with a bum. I think not." 

"Well, all those celebrities you are around, I don't see why you don't hook up with one of them." 

"Because too many girls like you are trying to get at them." 

"Girls like me." 

"Yes, girls like you remember when I took you to the Swiss Beats party." 

"Aw, girl, I was young then." 

"That was two months ago." 

"Whatever. That wasn't my fault, ok. I am not responsible for Jess Carmichael for being so delicate, ok? And he was over there standing oh so fine, waiting for me."

"Whatever, I'm going to bed. I have to get up early." I said, shaking my head that I couldn't take her anywhere. 

"Are you going to do that Chris Brown video?" 

"How would you know about that." 

"Because I heard the message he was leaving." 



"Goodnight, Tiffany."

 My name is Rayne. I am 22 and live in Atlanta, Georgia, with my best friend, Tiffany. I'm a writer and a music artist. And that's how I make my living. That's how I pay for school. Some may seem like my life is fun and glamorous; however, I do not get to live. 

My life is mundane. I'm hardly your average college student. I have dreams and aspirations. However, I live my life vicariously through other people. I like the classics, and I don't like change. You will learn more about me as I tell you my story as I live it.

A/n: This story will finally get the much-needed changes and grammar corrections. I added slight changes in this chapter, if you noticed, mostly correcting grammar and such; however, later chapters will have more details and essential information added. Save this to your library because more is coming soon. 

If you are wondering about my other story, A Gift of Knowing, I removed it from this app. I may publish everything on Wattpad one day when I finish everything for that book. I kept adding and rearranging chapters, so it took me longer to finish that project. 

Also, there is still time to add comments. Please tell me what you think of the story and what changes you want to add for future reference. 

 Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

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