Shot 4

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Aditya and the family arrived at RM to find it way too quiet.

They all missed the kids and decided to surprise them and reveal Pooja's relationship but the atmosphere in the house looked tense so Pooja stopped them.

Nani and Mami welcomed them and told them everything that happened and they were shocked that the girls did such a disrespectful thing because they were always respectful  and humble to everyone but then they also understood it was out of frustration of their surprise being spoilt.

"So where are they? " Suhani asked and Mami sighed and replied.

"Virat has locked himself up in his room and Khushi, Payal and Preeto have been going back and forth from the girls room to their rooms to speak to all the parties involved and I think we better let the solve this. "

They all nodded in agreement but prayed this problem will be solved soon because they hated tension which always made the house feel unwelcoming.

The Girls Room.

The trio sat on their beds totally devastated and a shamed of their actions and after speaking to their mothers but they felt more worse than before but after their conversation with Virat and their fathers they felt less guilty.


The girls barged into the house startling their mothers, great grandmother and grandmother.

Khushi pushed them to reveal why they were looking angry and they were shocked hearing their daughters and their horrible actions against their fathers and brother.

They girls rushed into their rooms leaving the women stunned.

" Hello hi bye bye, what had gotten into them to go this far? " Mami exclaimed in shock.

"Well I some how understand they were frustrated and if there is one thing chote's infamous angry outburst has taught me, is they are about to regret this immensely and you three speak to them..... It's better you three do it now and make them realize their mistakes. " Nani suggested and the trio nodded and walked into their room to find the expected scene.

Vidhi was hugging Anya crying her eyes out and Bhumi and Anya's eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.

"I didn't mean to say all those horrible things to them..... I was just angry that our surprise was ruined. " Vidhi wailed.

"Me too..... I don't think I will ever be able to face papa again. " Anya added as she broke the hug and sat by Vidhi on the bed.

"Me too and I know Virat is not responsible and yet I let my anger blind me and ended up hurting my baby brother...... I wish there was a way to undo all this. " Bhumi said.

"There is. " A familiar voice said the rooms lifted their head to find their mothers standing in the room by the door and they composed themselves as their mothers walked up to them.

"We are really disappointed in you three for that uncalled for outbursts...... Yes we understand they can be over protective at times but it's coming out of a place of love...... We raised you three better than this and just like your fathers, you let your anger get the better of you...... Reflect on your misbehaviour well but make sure you apologize to not only your fathers but Virat us well...... He is innocent in all of this and most of the blame goes to your fathers for this..... We realize he was always among girls and being the youngest he has always been the joking point for you guys and to you it might seem like a harmless joke but Virat is very sensitive and we are also to be blamed for not stopping you three and your fathers from using him but it ends today. " Payal said sternly and Khushi and Preeto nodded in support.

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