Chapter 1

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Hurriedly taking my seat I breath a huge sigh of relief. I barely made it before they shut the doors. Once closed. No one would be able to enter.

And by the looks of it everyone had showed up today. There would usually be those who only showed up for tests and today it was crowded. But even though it was crowded no one decided to sit by me. I don't if it was because they didn't like me or I'd it was because they simply didn't know me.

And even though I didn't want to admit it. It kinda hurt knowing I had no friends here. And everyone that did try to get close to me didn't really do it because of me. But that wouldn't matter because once I get my degree to become an archaeologist it wouldn't matter. Or at least that's what I kept telling myself.

Closing my eyes I relax a little hoping this day would go by fast. But just as I was about to do that someone walked up to me looking nervous.

"Can I sit here?" A woman I had never seen before says pointing at the seat next to me.

"Sure. No one's sitting here." I say with a smile.

She gave me a smile of her own and for a second I felt like she wasn't like the rest of them. Others would give me the stink eye or completely go the opposite way.

The woman let's out a relived sigh. "Thank you. For a second I thought you was going to say no." Laughing to herself she sits beside me lifting the sad mood I was in.

"My name's Jane. It's nice to meet you" She says beaming at me with a smile. I stared at her a little surprised. How can soone so bright at a time like this. I would've been so nervous at time like this.

"My-my name's Autumn." I say introducing myself.

"Like the season Autumn?" She says raising a brow.

Hearing her I couldn't help but sigh. Seems I was going to be made fun of again. Wouldn't be the first nor the last.

"Don't worry I won't make fun of your name if that's what your thinking. It's a beautiful name for someone like you. You seem like an easygoing person. It fits you."

I couldn't help but blush a little hearing her response. No one besides Layla had ever said anything nice to me. And it felt nice hearing that from someone else.

"Thank you. No one's ever said that to me."

Just as she was about to say something else the professor comes in handing out the exam. Looking around some people were nervous while others didn't seem to care.

But I was ready for this. I knew all the answers on the top of my head. I was sure I was going to pass like I always did.

For an entire hour it was completely quiet as everyone went over their exam. And the time flew pretty fast as I finished.

Once we were all done with our papers we had to turn them in before leaving and what shocked me was that Jane had other plans.

"Want to be friends with me. I don't really have many friends around here. Your the only one who seems cool" She says rubbing her neck sheepishly.

"Of course! I would love to."

"Yes! I was hoping you would say that." She says with a smile.

Without me even realizing we had talked pretty much the whole day. Which made me break the promise I made with Layla and I didn't even notice until it was sundown.

"Dang it! I made a promise to my roommate. I have to go Jane. I'll catch you later." I say as she smiled at me.

"Ok. We'll hang out tomorrow. I have so much to tell you." She says excitedly. We both than part our ways leaving me in a happy mood. For the first time in a while I felt happy yet tired at the same time.

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