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Chapter 231. Divine Punishment Blade

When Qin Ziya saw this scene, his expression immediately changed, "Ling Sen's Slaughter Domain was broken by Lin Ming!"

In the illusion realm, time flowed at a different speed. In the moment when Lin Ming had ceased physical movement, a fierce battle against Ling Sen had already taken place within the Slaughter Domain. The result was obvious; Ling Sen had been defeated, and Lin Ming had emerged victorious.

"How could this happen.....Ling Sen's Slaughter Domain is dependent upon his Ashura martial intent as well as the murderous aura he had accumulated over the years in order to create his own unique ability. Although this makes it easy to develop a demon in the heart, in terms of striking power, it should be very strong. Ling Sen's Ashura martial intent is, by itself, savage and brutal; it only helps cultivate one's attack power. As for Lin Ming's ethereal martial intent, that relies on placing one's mind into an empty unconscious state; it is a type of supplementary cultivating martial intent. How could the result be that Ling Sen loses?"

Although Sun Youdao's cultivation wasn't too high, he had a deep and broad range of experience. In just a few words he had pointed out the characteristics between Ling Sen and Lin Ming's martial intent.

Qin Ziya pondered out loud, "I had also thought that his ethereal martial intent could only be used to cultivate. If it could also be used offensively, then I can only say that Lin Ming's perception is just too terrifying."

How a martial intent could be used not only depended on one's studying and understanding of it, but also one's perception.

"Maybe it's not an attack, but it was able to stabilize his mind, therefore he was able to shatter Ling Sen's martial intent dream world. In any case, Lin Ming is truly a genius."

The two Seven Profound Martial House Master's only thought was that Lin Ming's perception was amazingly astonishing, and he had comprehended multiple ways to use the ethereal martial intent. They had never dreamt of the possibility of Lin Ming comprehending a second martial intent.

If they had known, they would be stunned speechless. A martial artist that could comprehend two different kinds of martial intent only existed in ancient legends and fairytales. Let alone Sky Fortune Kingdom, even in the entire 36 Kingdoms ruled by the Seven Profound Valleys, there hadn't been anyone that had ever realized two different martial intents.

Although Lin Ming had broken Ling Sen's Slaughter Domain with his Samsara martial intent, he actually felt a bit discontented. There was only one reason that he was able to accomplish this – his Samsara martial intent was of a far higher grade than Ling Sen's Ashura martial intent.

However, in terms of development and usage, he was far inferior to Ling Sen.

Ling Sen had studied and pondered upon his Ashura martial intent to the limit, digging out all of its latent potential. In reverse, Ling Ming knew very little about his Samsara martial intent except that it was able to cultivate the soul. Also, because he hardly used his soul force, he hadn't carefully studied his Samsara martial intent.

'In understanding, I am inferior to Ling Sen.'

Lin Ming sighed with emotion. The truth was, he had forgotten that in just these past six months he had obtained too many abilities that needed to be carefully perceived and studied through meditation over time. There was the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians, inscription technique, Flow like Silk, Heretical God Force, ethereal martial intent, Golden Roc Shattering the Void, Samsara martial intent, and so many other things that he needed to thoroughly consider. There were so many things on his plate that he found it difficult to balance.

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