Chapter 20: Day 11

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'19 more days to go...' You thought as you placed the last plate in the cupboard you went outside and climbed on a tree. You admired the beauty of the peaceful forest until you heard some footsteps. You looked down and saw a male with brown hair wearing a white mask that had a painted smile on. You jumped off the tree and landed behind him.
"Who are you?" You asked danger in your voice. "None of your business." He replied and took out a knife. You were about to reach for yours but left inside. 'Ugh why do I always forget my knife?!' You thought. "This is gonna be fun." He chuckled darkly as he ran for you. You quickly jumped out of his way and side kicked him he caught your legs and threw you to a nearby tree. You groaned as he charged at you, luckily you dodged again he tried to stab you. You kept on dodging until he hit you on the side. "Looks like there's no tomorrow for you." He said as he aimed for your heart, you caught his hand before he can plunge the knife in your chest. "Not today." You kicked him in between. He fell down and you ran in the mansion as you opened the doors he grabbed you by your leg. "Trying to escape?" He said. You saw Jeff coming. "Jeff!" You screamed. "(Y/n)?! Painter?!" He said surprised and pulled you away from him. "What do you think you're doing?!" Jeff asked furiously. "I thought she was a regular human! I didn't know! Sorry." He said. "I-it's fine..." you said. "(Y/n) you're bleeding... go to Smiley now." Jeff said. You nodded and went to the infirmary. You knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. You went inside. "Hey (Y/n) what brings you here?" Dr. Smiley asked. You showed him your wound and he led you to a hospital bed and took out some bandages. He lifted your shirt up. "You're lucky that the cut wasn't too deep." He said as he bandaged your wound. "Thanks." You said. He chuckled. "You know what?" He asked as he chuckled. You shook your head. He pinned you on the bed with your arms on top of your head. "I like you. You're just so cute." He whispered and licked your ear. You blushed madly and he started to kiss you. You were shocked and blushed harder. Moments later your body responded as you start a light makeout session. He sat up as you blushed. He chuckled and said. "I really like you. You know?" And he stood up. "Run along now." And you left. You went into the living room and saw the guys talking with Painter he seems pretty much of a nice guy. Shy, quiet but when in combat he's dangerous. "(Y/n) right?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Sorry I didn't know. I'm Painter, Bloody Painter." He said. "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)" you shook hands. "It's fine, that's how me and Grossman met." You said. You looked Grossman in a teasing way as he blushed. You giggled and continued the day knowing Painter.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed!
Smiley: Being with me.
Grossman: What do you mean?!
Smiley: Oh nothing.
Jeff: looks like we have two new challengers...
Painter: what?
Don't need to worry.

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