2.5 It's The Male Lead, Alright.

Start from the beginning

"Please notify the researchers to meet me. I have a precious blood sample for them." Changming spoke confidently.

The guards gave each other a look and told them to wait when one of them went inside a large facility. After twenty minutes, a group of people with white coats walked out to meet them. One old man with thick glasses stepped forward to look at Changming and asked.

"May I ask how your blood sample is precious?" It was a tone of doubt but politely enough to pass it off.

"I can demonstrate it to you for a better understanding. Please prepare me with a zombie, tied up or not is fine."

The group was baffled at his confidence but they were curious. So, they agreed to his demand and told him to come. Zhong Guang immediately put Xiao Feng down and told Yang Huifang to take care of her. He walked to the group of researchers and demanded to be with Changming.

"I need to ensure his safety so I will follow. It's a simple request." An air of killing intent emanating from him choked all the people at present.

They reluctantly agreed and escorted them both inside the facility. Changming let the zombie bite him and consume his blood. Zhong Guang looked in pain as if he was the one who got bitten. All the researchers were in amazement when after one hour, no sign of him turning into a zombie was spotted! Such a discovery, a hope for mankind!

If they only thought about the vaccine, it would be no problem. However, human greed was endless, once they discovered another property that helped enhance human's ability in his blood, they would immediately focus on that aspect. Like in his last life, they were too focused on enhancing abilities that they completely lost their chance at preventing the infection.

"I will consent to have my blood drawn for developing a vaccine. However, my blood will only be used for vaccine development and nothing else. If this condition is not met, my friend there will burn this base up." Changming stepped out of the isolation room and walked toward Zhong Guang. Looking at Zhong Guang nodding along with his deal, Changming felt satisfied. He became half-certain that Zhong Guang was his old husband because he always met whatever demands that he made.

Of course, the base executives that were present at the scene laughed at that.

"Hahaha, you know how to joke! How powerful can he be to burn down this whole base? Moreover, you should be glad to be able to contribute to humankind with your blood. Is your blood that special?"

'Of course, it is! It's my Mingming's blood! They should be grateful that my Mingming is willing to participate in this!' Zhong Guang was furious at the ungrateful balding bastard. He dared to doubt Changming and tried to extort him! The bald man suddenly felt like there was an imminent death waiting for him. He shut up and looked at the black aura Zhong Guang was exuding. A loud gulp was heard as he wiped the sweat that suddenly formed on his head.

"Very well, if you do not believe in his words, I can show it to you. Bring out the best fighter you have, ability user is fine too. Let's see if I have the ability to turn this base upside down or not." Zhong Guang obviously knew that Changming had been feeding him his blood, with each consumption he felt his body and ability got better and enhanced. He was at first curious at his actions and now he understood. However, he never wanted to enhance his ability with Changming's blood ever again. He determined to farm the zombies' nucleus instead when Changming shared a piece of information that its nucleus could upgrade abilities as well, even if it was not as effective as Changming's ability.

The base executives were curious at where his confidence came from and if he was that powerful. They agreed to his provocation and prepared an arena outside the base that had been cleared out to prepare for expansion. The captain of the assault team became his opponent as he looked burly and rough.

Zhong Guang did not have any qualms about such an intimidating appearance, he only cared about the youth standing in the corner of the arena. Changming insisted to be there to observe his ability in full detail, he had to know how strong this man had gotten from drinking his blood.

The fight started and ended quickly. It only took five minutes as Zhong Guang spread the fire around his body. Any attack from the assault captain, whose ability was to turn into metal, never landed on him. The fire covered his fist and he threw some hooks and punches. The fire that had been enhanced was too hot that the metal skin started to melt. The assault captain screamed in pain. Zhong Guang smirked and he began to spread the fire out to cover the whole arena. He looked at the executives with a haughty look like telling them 'look, I can easily cover this whole arena, you think burning your base is difficult?'

All the surrounding was burned except for one place. A youth was leisurely standing there looking at the masked man's haughty eyes. He thought to himself.


The executives were pouring with sweat from the heat as well as nervousness. This was a hornet nest that they should have never poked! Looking at the intensity of the heat and the precise control of his ability really humbled them down. It was the male lead, alright.

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