Connor quickly walked towards a table, and found a gun laying on the floor. It scanned it. It still had plenty of ammunition. Upon scanning it, a pop-up notification appeared on its UI:


--Unless for military use, androids are strictly forbidden to use or carry any type of weapon.--

Connor placed the gun aside, and walked towards the balcony, ready to face Daniel.


A bullet grazed through the air, and hit Connor on the shoulder. Blue blood stained the window frame and the left side of its jacket once the bullet hit.

Connor looked at his wound, and slowly looked at Daniel, teetering on the edge of the balcony.

"STAY BACK!" he shouted, carrying a little girl on his free arm. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER OR I'LL JUMP!"

"NO NO PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!" Emma screamed, tears streaming down her eyes before Daniel placed the gun to her head.

"GO! GO! GO!" the SWAT team alerted once they noticed. Everybody was on board, aiming for Daniel just in case it tried something again.

Connor began to speak. "Hi Daniel! My name is Connor!" he said, trying to familiarize with the android, in order for him to calm down.

"H-How..?" Daniel stuttered. "How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things about you Daniel!" Connor responded. A helicopter flew overhead, knocking the balcony furniture away. Connor examined the android. It was destabilizing, and it's stress levels are going up.

If Connor is to succeed in his mission, he would have to get the hostage out as soon as possible and stop the android.

He looked around him. The furniture on the balcony was all overthrown and toppled over. To the right, a police cop laid dead face-down in the middle of the balcony pool, small amounts of blood diffused in the otherwise clear blue pool water. He saw another cop to his left, laying on the ground. His arm had a fatal bullet wound and he was bleeding out badly.

Connor approached from the far left, pushing away a chair to get closer. He slowly stepped forward.

"I know you're angry, Daniel." Connor called, trying to calm him down. "But you need to trust me and let me help you if you're going to get out of this!"

Daniel grunted. "I don't want your help! Nobody can help me!" His voice was shaking in..

..fear? Anger? Connor couldn't tell. Whatever the android was telling him, he knew he really couldn't connect with whatever Daniel was so-called 'feeling'.

"I... I just want all this to stop..." Daniel said, finishing his thoughts with a desperate plea.

Connor walked forward, towards the injured cop. He analyzed him, and concluded that he needed first aid, fast.

"P-Please.." the cop whimpered, looking up hopefully, meeting Connor's brown gaze. "" Blood was gushing out of his arm like a leaking dam, and every second, he could feel himself slipping away. It was a slow, painful way to go.

Connor faced Daniel. "Listen Daniel, I know you and Emma were very close." he began. "You think she betrayed you, but she's done nothing wrong!"

"S-She..SHE LIED TO ME!" Daniel replied back, his voice stained with betrayal. "I thought she loved me, but.." Daniel's face contorted into an angry scowl, his blue eyes pierced through Emma like daggers. 

"But I was WRONG!" Daniel cried. "I should've realized it sooner.." he shoved the gun's nozzle harder to Emma's head. "Realized that she's just like all the other humans..!"

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