Chapter 24 |:| Badge Three

Start from the beginning

Nevertheless, the spotlight on me only fueled my determination.

Kabu met me in the middle of the pitch and shook my hand, nodding respectfully to Eevee and Pichu on my shoulders, who eyed him with confidence.

After we had walked to our respective places, the ref started the match. I grinned as i tossed out Raboots pokeball, and Kabu let out his Ninetales.

I wasted no time in launching an attack, Raboot used quick attack, hitting Ninetales straight in the chest. However Kabu remained unphased as he commanded Ninetales to use willow wisp.

As the battle went on, i watched Kabu grow more and more pumped up with each passing moment. Raboot was struggling on the field, having defeated Ninetales and tussling with Arcanine. As much as i wanted to swap it out for Dratini, i really wasnt sure if Dratini would be able to...handle itself, especially considering what had happened last time it was in a gym battle. And Pichu certainly wasnt ready for any sort of gym battles.

"Kabu has one more pokemon...if Raboot can just hold on then we could be in a perfect position to win with Eevee" i thought to myself, clenching my fists.

"Arcanine! Flamethrower!" Commanded Kabu.

"Raboot dodge and use double kick!" I retaliated.

Raboot responded quickly, but it was tired, and just as it was about to dodge when its ankle jutted to the side, causing it to fall to the ground, and take the full hit from Arcanine, knocking it out.

"Crap!" I hissed through my teeth. This completely turned my plan upside down.

Looks like i'd have to send in Eevee early., or i could toss in Dratini....just for a little bit.

"Yeah, Arcanine is pretty close to going down, Dratini can hold out just for a few minutes. It'll be fine."

Returning Raboot to its pokeball, i murmured a thank you to it before sending out Dratini.

As soon as it popped out of the ball, it looked back at me with a concerned expression. I gave it a reassuring grin, and that seemed to put it at ease.

As the battle went on, it became apparent to me the Arcanine was a lot stronger than i had anticipated, and Dratini was beginning to struggle.

After one more hit from Arcanines flamethrower, something inside of Dratini snapped, and it unleashed a flurry of Dragon type attacks, completely disregarding my commands.

The crowd gasped in awe of its behaviour, and small murmurs of conversations reached my ears.

"That's terrifying"

"Dragon types are so unpredictable"

"I heard that the same thing happened during her battle with Nessa"

"Such a bad trainer! She must be mistreating her pokemon for it to act out like that!"

These comments made me furious, but i was determined to reach Dratini.

"Dratini! Listen to me! Please stop it!" I called. But Dratini didnt seem to hear me as it relentlessly pounded Arcanine with attacks. Eventually, it became too much and Arcanine dropped to the ground, fainted.

But that didnt stop Dratini, its tail began to glow as it prepared another attack, luckily Kabu returned arcanine just before the attack connected.

"Okay thats it! Dratini return!" I ordered, holding up its ball and aiming for Dratini.

The dragon pokemon whipped around, the look in its eye was completely crazed. Like a wild animal fighting for its life. That was the last thing i saw before red light engulfed Dratini and it returned to its ball.

I let out a shakey breath that i didnt know i was holding. The stadium was completely silent, and Kabu was shocked. He gave me a look that told me we would have a conversation about this later.

But not right now

The battle isnt over

I straightened up and nodded towards Eevee, who had been waiting patiently behind me, and it bounded forwards onto the battlefield.

Kabu quickly responded by sending out hid Centiskorch, and you could tell just by looking at it that it was a very experienced pokemon.

"Alright Y/n!! I hope you're prepared to feel the burn!!" Shouted Kabu, ramping up the crowd.

My muscles tensed as his Centiskorch Gigantamaxed, letting out an ear piercing cry, and i called Eevee back to me.

"Come on Eevee! Time to to show them our little trick!"

With a determined grin, Eevee bounded towards me and jumped into my arms, i used the force to spin around once and let go of Eevee, launching its small body into the air.

With a delighted look on its face, it began to grow and grow until it had fully Gigantamax.

"eeeeVAAAAAAAA" it cried. Stomping its front paws with excitement, eagerly awaiting my command.

Pichu stared in awe of its teammate, suddenly gaining a new respect for it.

But was also incredibly jealous that IT wasnt the one getting big and strong.

Kabu began his command, but mine was faster.

"Eevee!! Gmax Cuddle!" I called. This is what i figured its special move should be called, after all its just too cute!

Eevee responded flawlessly, striking Centiskorch directly.

But Centiskorch wasnt going down easily, it used a Gmax fire move and it and Eevee traded moves back and fourth for what seemed like eternity.

It got to the point where both Eevee and Centiskorch ran out of time, and returned to their normal size.

The sides of Eevees body expanded and retracted as it panted, out of breath. And even thought Centiskorch was trying not to show it, i could tell that it was on its last legs.

"Eevee! Last move! Use swift!" I commanded.

In a second, Eevee had jumped up high, and swung its tail, swishing many stars toward Centiskorch. And even thought Centiskorch wanted to, it just didnt have the energy to dodge. It knew that the battle was over.

With that last hit, Centiskorch had fainted, and i had won the battle.

"Yes!! Eevee we did it!!" I shouted, running to greet Eevee on the battlefield.

"Eev! Eev!!" It mewed, jumping into my arms and giving my cheek a lick. Even Pichu was smiling.

Thats when i noticed Kabu walking up to me clapping his hands.

"Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant Y/n, you are a talented trainer." He praise, shaking my hand.

"Thank you so much Kabu! For everything!" I grinned.

Third badge down...five to go!

My bad guys😂😂
A lot has happened tho!!

Anywho, Super sorry ive been gone for so long, and im not too sure if i'll keep updates regular, but this book is for SURE going to be completed to dont worry about that!

I hope you've all done well!! Feel free to comment and lmk what you've all been up to! I love you all very very much💖

Stay safe friends ❤️✌🏼

Stay safe friends ❤️✌🏼

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