Chapter 24 |:| Badge Three

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Ahah, heyyyyyyyyyyy, lets pretend that i didnt just disappear again (゚ω゚)

The walk to the stadium was silent for the most part. There was nothing to talk about, yesterday was hectic and everybody was drained.

The only thing that was on my mind was how my pokemon acted out yesterday, i had sort of expected it from them, Eevee especially, but Nurse joy had mentioned that Pichu was the only well behaved one. Which i found interesting based off of its previous shenanigans, like pushing Eevee off of my shoulder and claiming it for itself back at Galar Mine #2.

I looked down at the small yellow creature, snuggled comfortably in my pocket. Was that past rivalry with Eevee just a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing? Because it seems to have become a completely different pokemon.

"I wonder if its feeling okay..." i muttered aloud.

"Huh?" Asked Raihan, turning towards me.

"Oh, nothing. Hey why dont we grab some breakfast real quick?" I suggested, feeling my stomach rumble.

"Great idea! I was thinking about that too. Need energy if we're gonna win our badge" smiled Leon, veering off to a food stand.

We grabbed some food and ate it on the way, now we were nearing the stadium, but i just couldnt get my head straight. I guess that being kidnapped really hurt my focus for today.

As we entered the cool atmosphere of the fire type stadium, Raihan turned to me and Leon.

"So whos gonna go first?" He asked.

"Uhh, im not too sure actually, i can't remember who went last time...." Muttered Leon.

"You. You did." I deadpanned.

"Ahah, right. So Y/n how about you go first this time, to make up for...that" he suggested.

This finally helped me get my energy back, "Sounds good!" I chirped, marching up to the front desk and registering.

"See you on the other side!" I called, turning into the changerooms as they waved goodbye.

Pushing open the door, i was met with the familiar sight of the changing rooms. I set Pichu and Eevee down on the bench which was layed out in the middle and started to undress.

As i was getting ready, Eevee dug through my bag and released Raboot and Dratini from their balls.

"Eev vee voi!" Pepped Eevee encouragingly, earning determined gazes from its teammates, except Pichu, who was picking at its nails boredly.

After pulling on my challengers uniform, i laughed.

"I thought that Raboot was the team leader?" I teased, folding my clothes into my bag.

Raboot took a shocked step back, "Ra ra raboot!!" It gasped, puffing out its chest and hopping in front of a snickering Eevee.

I chuckled and gave everyone a pat on the head, turning to Pichu, i said, "Hey Pichu, you'll just be watching for today. You havent quite gotten strong enough to take on a gym leader."

Pichu looked at me with shock on its face, "Pi chu!!" It argued, stomping its foot.

Eevee snickered as i put Pichu up on my shoulder. "Alright guys, lets give it our all!" I smiled, returning Raboot and Dratini and picking Eevee up in my arms.

Walking out of the changeroom, i made my way to the pitch.

My palms were beginning to sweat as i came onto the pitch, there were a whole lot more people here than i remember.

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now