Chapter 26: Accident

Start from the beginning

That day, I finished my practice and checked my phone to find many missed calls from Ethan and Ava.

I immediately called Ethan back. I had a feeling this wasn't good.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as soon as he picked the call up.

"When are you coming back?" He asked me. "Tomorrow. I'll be home by 6." I said.

"Ethan? You're scaring me. What's going on?" I asked him in low tone.

"Amayra had an accident. She is under going a surgery now." He said.

My heart felt like being ripped away. I can't loose Amayra! No! I can't!

"Deep breathes Alex! Calm down!" I heard Ethan. He was trying his level best to calm me down. It wasn't helping.

"I-I need Amayra. Pl-please can I talk to her?" I chocked.

"Alex. I want you to listen every word I say very paitently, for Amayra. Okay?" He asked. I nodded like he could see me.

"I want you to calm down, pack your bags, inform your authorities and come to the airport. You'll find dad's jet there by 10 pm tonight. Get on it and get your Mia. Is it clear?" He asked in a firm tone. I muttered a small yes and hung up. I tried controlling ny breathing and did as asked.

I was at the airport by 10:15 pm. I boarded the jet all the while praying to the ultimate soul to protect Amayra. I know it wasn't optimistic of me to think the way I was, but I was ready to jump off the building if Amayra laid their lifeless. 

All the way crying and sniffing, I finally landed at the Manchester Airport by the next morning.

I took a cab to the hospital. Running through the corridors, I found Ethan by the coffee machine.

I ran and hugged him. He spilt the coffee due to the sudden impact but I could careless about it now.

"How's she? Where's she? Can I meet her?" I asked him.

"She's okay. The surgery was successful. The doctors shifted her to the general ward and Ava is with her right now." He replied calmly.

"Let's go then." I tried hurrying him. I need to see Amayra.

"Alexander, I want you to come with me to the cafeteria. We'll have a conversation about everything and then meet Amayra. Hmm?" He said. I pleaded with my eyes to let me meet Amayra first. He denied.

I, unwillingly, accompanied him to the cafeteria. He ordered two portions of their famous breakfast.

"I need you to act mature, think and decide everything." He started.

"You're scaring me Eth." I whispered. He sighed.

"Amayra was in the parking lot of the hospital, talking to Ava when a car came and collided with her. The driver didn't get enough sleep because of his mother's complicated surgery, felt dizzy and couldn't control the steering wheel.

He hit Amayra pretty hard in her lower abdomen. I don't know much about the medical terms but she got unconscious and started bleeding through her vagina.

The people around her carried he to the hospital. Since, Ava was on the call with her, she heard her scream and we rushed to the hospital too.

She was already under surgery then. That's when I called you yesterday." He paused.

"Apparently, Amayra was 3 weeks pregnant. She had a miscarriage due to the accident." He said. I stopped breathing.

I and Amayra didn't have a scope to have a baby. But we were blessed with one. And now we lost it.

"It isn't the worst. The doctors had to tie her fallopian tubes else she would have started internal bleeding. So.." He breathed in and out.

"So, you guys can't conceive in future." He said.

I gulped and tried to process everything. Amayra wanted a baby so bad. She'll be broken.

"I-I understand." I croaked out.

"Is she still unconscious?" I asked. He nodded.

"Pl-please don't tell her about the pregnancy. She'll blame herself. It is-isnt good for her mental health." I gulped.

"I'll tell her about the tube thing myself. Ask the doctors to not mention about the miscarriage in her history too." I said.

Ethan agreed.

That day, I was broken and devasted. I had lost my baby and I couldn't even share my pain with Amayra.

When she woke up, I told her about not being able to conceive in the future. She went numb.

She cried. She cried for weeks. She went to depression. Babies was all she could think about.

After a lot of efforts and therapy, she was finally moved on.

I know she deserved to know about the miscarriage. But seeing her so broken, it was only right to not tell her about the baby.

"Alexander! Are you okay? You zoned out!" I heard her say. I shifted my attention to her and smiled at her.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about trying something once I was back." I smirked when she blushed.

"What is it?" She asked.

"How about I handcuff you to the bed then put a vibrated in your asshole, and fuck you while my hand chokes you? Imagine me biting on your nipples and you rolling your eyes back with pleasure?!" I rambled.

"Who are you? What did you do to my innocent husband?" She asked with no hint of jokes. If it wasn't for the curves of her lips, I couldn't have guessed.

I laughed and felt asleep talking to her.
What did I write again?

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