Chapter 06

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Here I was sitting at a barbecue restaurant
With Seungmin.
'Dammit I went after all'
"Uh sorry for interrupting you with that girl
Was she your girlfriend?"
Seungmin asked me
"No,we were just hooking up, nothing serious"
I replied to his question as I continued to eat
"Hooking up? Isn't that dating?"
"Never mind let's not talk about that"
I told him
"Oh okay then"

'Why was that so awkward'
'I should change the subject'
"My name isn't 'Humph' by the way..
It's Hyunjin"
I told him finally
I like that. It suits you!"

'This guy...
No matter how much I've been rude to
him or ignore him..
He just isn't fazed'
I thought as I looked at him eating

Most people I meet never
React this way...

They usually disregard me completely

Or they are aggressive to me

But he...

Treats me the same....

He doesn't seem to care.

"It's so tasty, isn't it Hyunjin"
Seungmin asked me snapping me out of my thoughts
'Or he's completely clueless'
'That could be it, honestly'

Time skip

"Ahh in stuffed~"
Seungmin said rubbing his belly
'Why did we have to live in the same building?'
Suddenly Seungmin looked very excited
"Oh Hyunjin!"
Up there!"
"Make a wish quick"
He said pointing at the shooting star in the sky
"I don't believe in that stuff"
I replied blowing out the smoke from my cigarette
"Oh I see..."
He said looking disappointed
But soon went to a side crossed his fingers,closed his eyes and started to wish for something

Time skip

"I had a lot of fun,thanks"
"We'll have a good nigh-"
He said opening his door but suddenly came to a halt
Hyunjin wait a second-"

"I have something for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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