Chapter 04

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I walk just a bit into his flat and I see that it has already been decorated from the plain apartment from yesterday to one with his liking.
"You look fancy
I like your suit"
He told me
"It's a uniform"
I said with a grumpy voice just wanting to leave already
"Ah really that's so cool!"
He said as he searched for the ball in his cupboard
"TA-DA here it is!"
He said pointing at the ball as he gave to to my hand
"By the way
Did you like the cookies I made for you?"
He asked excited to know about my feedback
I simply replied about to turn away when I saw his change in expression
The boy who was standing here looking happier than I little boy on his birthday turned into a sad one
As he looked down and said
"No? Oh...
Really? I see...
I'm sorry"

I quickly replied
Don't make them so sweet next time"
'Why am I lying?'
'I didn't even eat them'
I saw his expression change once again into the happy one.
"Oh did I add too much sugar?"
"I have a real sweet tooth,so i must have put too much!"
He said.
"Don't worry I'll fix them for the next time and make them nice for you"
He said smiling widely once again when he flinched at the sound of his phone ringing
"Ah sorry excuse me-"
He quickly changed his attention from his call to me once he saw that I was leaving.
"Oh wait!
Are you leaving already?"
Okay the have a good afternoon

He closed his door as I heard him talk to the person on the other line
"Oh, that was just my neighbor he's really nice"
As I walk back to my apartment and unpack the things I brought from the store
'What the hell was that'
'Why do I feel so guilty?"
I thought as I lean over the countertop of my kitchen.

𝑇𝑂 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑆 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐵𝐴𝐶𝐾 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن