Chapter 01

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My name is Hwang Hyunjin
I live alone
I like quiet
I -

My peace and quiet gets interrupted by the loud voices from people in the lower flats. I close my book and grab my cigarettes to leave my flat.
"Good afternoon"
A neighbor of mine greets me as I just ignore them and continue walking.
Moving on
And I really don't
Like people.

I walk down the stairs and lean against a wall as I light my cig.

Everybody thinks I'm unhappy
Because I'm alone

I prefer it this way....

My thoughts once again get interrupted but this time by a loud noise, As I look to the side I see a boy around my age with some boxes in front of him.
'Looks like someone is moving in'
I think.

He looked bothered by something until he saw me. His eyes immediately light up like.
"Hey there!"
He suddenly calls out waving his hand rapidly.
'Why is he talking to me'
He quickly run and drops a box in my hands.
"You live in this building right?, can you give me a hand?, I need to carry these"
He says.
I look into a box to see just a few clothes and decorations.
Can you show me where apartment 12 is?"
He asks me.
And I immediately freeze.
'Apartment 12?'
'No way... That's next to me'

I carry his things and show him his flat like he asked.
"Just anywhere is fine"
I put his stuff down ready to leave.
"It's a pretty sunset isn't i-"
Once again I ignore him as I walk out of his apartment.
His sudden shout made me flinch
"Wait a second!"
I frown but I still don't turn around
"My name is Seungmin what's your
I still don't answer but instead I make a noise
That's a really nice name!"
He tells me with the same smile on his face as before.
"No... what?"
Before I can finish my sentence His phone starts ringing from inside the flat.
"Oh excuse me..."
"It was nice meeting you, Humph!"
He quickly says before going inside and shutting the door behind him.
I forget about it turning around and going back into my apartment.

𝑇𝑂 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑆 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐵𝐴𝐶𝐾 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora