Chapter 05

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The sun I slowly setting as I walk with Ryujin
Her arm clinging onto the side of my hand.
"You're not going to waste my time again right?"
She asks me
"No. Don't cling to me"
I said seriously
She took her hand off with a scoff
I forgot how much of a jerk you are"
She told me when I heard a voice
'That voice'
"Hey humph!"
I turned around to see Seungmin walking up to me
'What the hell'
'Of course I'd run into him here...'

He came up to me and said
" I thought I recognized you!
How are you doing?"
He asked me
That's when Ryujin spoke up
"Oh, do you two know each other?"
She said gesturing to the two of us
"Yep" "No"
We both answered at the same time
Seungmin decided to change the subject and he looked at Ryujin
"Oh, you look pretty.
I like your fluffy jacket"
He complimented with stars in his eyes

Her expression changed from a confused to flustered one
"Oh my god thank you!"
She answered
'What the hell...'
'I've never seen her react like that before'
"You just made my day!"
"I'm Ryujin!"
She said
"I'm Seungmin!"

Before they could go on I stepped in
"Why are you here?"
I asked him frustrated
Which made him flinch a bit at the sudden outburst
"The real question is why are you here when you already have someone at home"
Ryujin said before Seungmin could say anything
"Someone at home?"
I questioned
"Yeah you didn't think I'd catch on huh?"
She went on
"The pet name...
The denial..."
"I'm not stupid you know"
"I know when people are involved"
She explained

"Don't call me again asshole!"
She said angrily and quickly changed into a nice one
"Bye Seungmin"
He said
Just at that time Seungmins stomach rumbled
"Ah, I'm really hungry, do you wanna go get something to eat? I'll buy!"
He asked me
I said already angry about everything that happened.

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