Chapter 03

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I yawn loudly as I clean up a table.
Someone didn't sleep well"
One of my co-worker's Felix.
"Yeah my new neighbor sucks.
He snores like a freight train."
I can see him get excited at the mention of a new neighbor.
Is he cute?".
He asks me
"Don't you already have a boyfriend?"
I ask her
She confesses her hands and looks at me with a serious expression.
"Yes and I love him.
But I was just asking damn..."

"Well I don't know...
He's around my height I guess"
I say gesturing to where is height would be compared to me.
"That's literally not what I asked.."
She deadpanned.
I just kept silent
When she sighed and went back to our old topic
"Why don't you buy some earplugs then?"
"I use them when my neighbor plays really loud music"
She suggested

"That might work-"
But before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me.
"Ooooor you could just talk to your neighbor"
She said with a smirk on her face.
"Felix... are you trying to piss me off?"
I said seriously.
'No way was I going to talk to that guy'

"It was just a joke!
Calm down your so defensive!"
She said as she laughed it off

Time skip

As I walk back up the stairs from work I pass his flat as I contemplate if I should knock on his door or not.
'Fuck it'
I knock on his door and not a second later it opens revealing Seungmin who was wearing a yellow sweater.
"Hello neighbor!"
He greets me with the same close eye smile.
"Can you give me my ball back?"
I ask him
"Your ball?"
"Oh of course I'll get it for you,
Feel free to come into you like"
He told me as he rushed to get the ball from where he had kept it.

Out of nowhere the memory of Felix telling me to talk to him comes up as I brush it off with frustration.

𝑇𝑂 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑆 𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐵𝐴𝐶𝐾 Where stories live. Discover now