chapter 12:

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" you- you what?" I asked now it was my turn to shiver.

" i dreamt the same thing, you were lying in my arms , not breathing and i was crying, i was broken Soph, what do you think this means?" He asked fear visible in his voice.

" i- i don't know." I said knowing exactly what it meant.
If i dreamt about this alone , it wouldn't have scared me this much but knowing he dreamt the exact same thing....that freaked me out, he was gonna find out sooner than later.

We stayed quiet and laid on my bed ,facing the ceiling, it was so hard going back to sleep.

It's Saturday so no school.
Dylan went to his room at 6 and i went to the bathroom and took a long and i mean long bath while i thought about the dream Dylan and i had until i got done.


Sitting in the kitchen with juice in a glass i was holding and i hardly know how long I've been holding it cos i was in my thoughts lost.

" Soph." Mom's voice sounded in my head and i was back to reality.

" huh?" I asked looking at her.

" you...okay?" She asked concern visible on her face as well as in her voice.

" I'm-" i cleared my throat.

" I'm fine." I said.

I'm not, you and dad are hiding something from ' me' and Dylan ,not to mention everyone else, and I'm having nightmares about my death at the same night as my brother, so how can i be fine??????

"You sure?" She asked and i nodded, but she wasn't buying it , she gave me the eye.

" yes mom, I'm fine." I said forcing a smile and then Dylan walked in, mirroring my stressed face.

" noo, you guys, are you sick?" She walked to Dylan and put her hand on his forehead.

" mom, I'm fine." Dylan said and she gave him the same eye she gave me.

" god, mom." He said walking to me and sat next to me.
We had breakfast and him and i went for a walk in the neighborhood around.
It was quiet as we walked but relaxing quiet, i nearly forgot about our problem.

" so what do you think the dream meant?" He asked me and i shrugged, lying to his face again.

" well, I'm glad it was just a dream cos me losing you will be like losing my soul." He chuckled for the first time this morning and i let out a awkward soft one, making him turn to me.

" what if i die??" I asked.

" what if the dream resembled our future?" I asked.

" what if it's destiny, just what-"

" Soph shut up." He told me.

" nothing like that will happen, we just happened to have dreamt the same dream at the same night, probably cos we're twins." He said.

Oooh dear brother if only you knew.

I said in my head.

" maybe." I softly said knowing the exact truth.

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