Father-Son Bonding

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A couple days later, Peter was officially moved to a new class. Y/n picked him up from his first day in his new teacher's class and was both shocked and relieved to see him happy as a clam. He wasn't starving or scared because he got in trouble, he was just excited to tell her all about what he had learned. She squeezed him tight when he hugged her hello and took him to the car. They called Bucky, who was filling out some paperwork at Shield HQ, and Peter excitedly told both him and Y/n all about his first day in Mr. Woodlock's class. They both listened intently as Peter rambled about the science experiment they did and how his teacher had let him have three snacks that day. By the time he had finished Y/n was smiling like an idiot and she knew from his voice that her husband was as well.

"So in other, slightly less exciting, news," Bucky said once Peter was done telling them about his day. "Steve and Sam will be home in a week and they'd love to meet you, bear. Would you be okay with that?"

"I get to pick?" Peter asked, far too used to adults just shoving him into uncomfortable situations.

"Of course you do," Y/n assured him. "We'll wait to introduce you until you're ready."

"Would I have to meet them alone?"

"Definitely not," Y/n said. "Me and Buck would be right there with you the whole time. You wouldn't even have to talk to them if you weren't ready."

Peter thought for a moment, before slowly nodding his head. "They're nice, right?"

"Other than you and Y/n they're my favorite people in the universe," Bucky said.

"Then I'll try," Peter said determinedly. "But what happens if I mess it up?"

"You can't mess it up," Bucky said confidently. "They're gonna love you no matter what."

"Why don't we do a movie night?" Y/n suggested. "That way you don't have to worry about talking to them a whole bunch and we can all relax."

Peter and Bucky enthusiastically agreed and by the time Peter and Y/n had arrived at home, they had chosen several movies to watch with Sam and Steve next week.

"Alright kiddo," Y/n said as they walked in the door. "Hang up your backpack and go get changed okay? We're gonna go stop by the grocery store to get mushrooms."

"Okay! I'll be right back!" Peter called out, running into the bathroom to wash his face and change. Y/n had left his play clothes on the bathroom counter for him and he washed his face before changing into them. Today she had set out a pair of dark blue joggers and a red t-shirt, and Peter got dressed fast so that they could go to the store.

"You ready?" Y/n asked him when he came back to the kitchen.

Peter hesitated. Truth be told, he hadn't eaten in a couple hours and he was starting to get hungry. He didn't want to be a bother but at the same time he knew it wouldn't end well if he didn't eat soon. "Can I maybe have a snack? I'll eat it in the car, and I'll be fast I promise!"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Peter! I got so focused on dinner, I completely forgot!" She walked over to the kitchen and pulled a sandwich out of the fridge. "Here pumpkin, why don't you sit down and eat. We can go to the store when you're done."

"But don't we need the mushrooms?"

"I'm not in a rush," Y/n assured him. "You're much more important."

Peter smiled and sat down at the kitchen table with Y/n, telling her about how his new teacher didn't do weekend homework and how happy he was about it. By the time he had finished his sandwich he was feeling much better and he reached to hold Y/n's hand on the way to the car. She took it immediately and once they were in the car she let him pick the music. By the time they had arrived at the store, Peter and Y/n were both in a wonderful mood.

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