Not In Trouble

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Peter was terrified. It was his first day back at school and he'd already managed to get in trouble. There was no way that Y/n wasn't going to be angry, she probably hated him. Maybe she'd even send him back into the system, he sure as hell wouldn't blame her. No one wanted a kid like him, he was nothing but trouble. He saw Bucky waiting by the front of the school near the rest of his classmates' parents and took a deep breath, preparing himself for the anger he was sure to be faced with.

He trudged up to Bucky, trying his best to put on a brave face. He'd learned long ago that showing fear in the face of punishment was a bad idea, and often would only serve to make it worse. Much to his surprise, the moment that Bucky laid eyes on him his expression shifted to one of concern. "Kid, is that a bruise?" He asked frantically, kneeling down to get a better look. "Who the hell did that to you?" Peter saw anger flash through the man's eyes, and realized as Bucky's hand came up to hold his face steady while he inspected the bruise that the anger was directed towards the boy that had hit him. "Jesus, I knew you got in a fight but I didn't know they hit you. I swear to god I'm gonna track that kids parents down and make that little shit-"

Bucky cut himself off when he realized how exhausted Peter looked. There were tears gathered in the little boy's eyes and Bucky could see him silently pleading to just go home. He knew that feeling all too well. "You know what? Never mind," he said in a much softer voice than before. "Why don't we go grab some ice cream on the way home and then you can relax with Y/n for a while?"

Peter nodded his head, letting out a shaky breath. Bucky led him to the car, letting him sit in the front seat after making him promise not to tell Y/n. He drove through a Dairy Queen right next to the compound to get Peter an ice cream cone and parked the car in the garage, knowing that he needed to talk to the little boy before they went inside.

Peter finished his ice cream in record time before turning to Bucky. He looked like he had a question that he was too scared to ask and Bucky gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "You alright, kid?"

"Is she mad at me?" Peter asked in a tiny voice. "Y/n? Does she hate me now?"

"Of course she doesn't hate you," Bucky assured him. "She could never hate you. I promise Peter, no one is mad at you."

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking Bucky directly in the eye.

"I'm sure," Bucky said calmly. "Why don't we go in? I'll prove it."

After a few more rounds of convincing, Peter followed Bucky inside to their suite. He was terrified, but he also knew that he would have to face what had happened eventually. Peter walked into the suite, still half expecting to be met with anger and disappointment, and saw Y/n in the living room. Her head shot up as soon as she heard him walk in and she rushed over. Peter was stuck frozen as she saw the bruise under his eye and jumped into action.

"Oh my god, did they hit you?" She asked softly. "Come on pumpkin, let's make it all better." Peter barely knew what was happening before Y/n had gotten him sat on the kitchen counter, an ice pack pressed to his cheek. Bucky smiled at his wife fussing over her charge and made sure to say goodbye to both her and Peter before leaving for his meeting.

"Alright Peter, take the ice off for me okay?" She said gently once ten minutes had elapsed. "I've got one more thing for your bruise and then we can talk. I'm sure you want a snack first too."

Peter nodded vigorously. "I haven't eaten since 11:00," he said quietly. "Well except for that ice cream cone that Bucky got me."

"11:00? What about all those snacks I packed for you?" Y/n asked, assuming that he'd simply forgotten that he'd eaten them.

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