One shot of life: Flame Mama

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(Author note: Inspired by this video)

The scene show Veronica is holding Sylvia son Alan, along side them are the sons of Lya El'Jonson and Rachel Dorn, Leo El'Jonson and Richard Dorn, they are respectively held by Nera and Emily, ready to go on a picnic in the park. Joining them are Linda Aurelian and Cindy Corax, with a group of Alpha Legion, Raven Guard, Word Bearers, there are now male space marine in their rank thanks to Lysander. Ra and Malcador are checking the supplies for the baby boys.

Malcador: Baby diapers?

Ra: Check.

Malcador: Baby food?

Ra: Check.

Malcador: Baby wipes?

Ra: Check.

Malcador: Baby powder, towels, toys and a few first aid kits?

Ra: Triple check sir.

Veronica: *holding a giggling Alan in her right arm, while holding a well made baby rattle in her left hand* Oh my sweet tiny angel, ready to have some real fun with your silbings!

Alan: *giggle with Leo and Richard*

Veronica: And Flame Mama finally finished your and your siblings weapon, as i promised! You three are gonna love these little babies!

Ra: And where do you think you're going!

Nera: To the park, why?

Emily: Is there something wrong Ra?

Ra: *pulling out the battle axe from behind Veronica* Not with a battle axe missy! And WHY do you even need one i may ask?

Veronica: I use it to scare away those pesky people handing out fliers or wanting me to sign petitions, because they mess my play time with my nephews.

Malcador: *holding a turtle shape spike shield* And why do you need THESE for a pinic in the park!?

Nera: She wanted to use these as badass baby diaper changing stations, since she want everyone to know her nephews are the best.

Ra: *holding a mace flail in her hands* And why on Terra do you even NEED a fricking FLAIL of all things, to go to the park?!

Emily: *sweat drop* She wanted something to use as a... flyswatter.

Alpha Legion female marine: A flyswatter?

Raven Guard male marine: I have no idea why she would use that as a flyswatter.

Malcador: *draw out a broadsword with a deadpan look on his face* Really, a broadsword? You're gonna use it as a walking stick missy?

Veronica: Nah, we can leave that at home. I brought it with me sicne Alan loves to see me holding it.


Ra: Veronica, we aren't at war right now, it is peaceful here on Terra. Alan and his brothers are baby, weapons could harm them, and they are happy playing with simple things, like this lovely little toy you made for Alan.

As soon as Ra said that, Alan's baby rattle turnted into a spiked ball mace, making Ra let out a loud "what". Everyone jaw drop and eyes buggle at what they just seen.

Word Bearers male marine/Malcador: *stun voice* What the nuts?!?!?!

Veronica: Look Ra, before you say no, hear me out okay. We may not be at war but there's still real danger out there, and i won't let my nephews go out unarmed! What if there are sneaky GRETCHINS?

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