Level 0 - The Lobby

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Log Entry 1: After "noclipping" into the backrooms we find ourselves lost in what seems to be a maze of endless rooms that seem to go on forever, we don't really know how we got here other than the explanation that we said "no-clipped" into backrooms. We were just going for a walk, until, you may not believe this, but we just fell through the ground and ended up here. That is the most sensical explanation we can make up for ending up here. We don't have many supplies with us, so we'll have no choice but to forge on and find a way out of here. I'll update this log frequently to keep track of our current situation and see if it can help us.

Log Entry 2: It's been a few hours since we fell here. So far, we've found nothing. We still have some supplies left, but were slowly running out, things have also been progressively getting weirder the farther we go; just a few minutes ago we found a bunch of words on the wall telling us to "stare it down" and "don't use lights on it." We don't know what these mean but Amani says that she's watched enough horror movies to decipher that these words and notes are most likely telling us to avoid some monster of some kind, Amani doesn't believe her, but those words looked like they were made of blood. I'm choosing to believe these notes, they may come in handy later. Currently we are still searching for supplies, and it's not going well. The constant moist in the floor and the constant buzzing-like sound is giving everybody headaches. Were currently looking for somewhere to rest before continuing our search for food.

Log Entry 3: The rooms seem to go on forever so we chose to rest in a small corner in a room we found. Thankfully we had sleeping bags and chose to set them up here. Avery went out to look for supplies, and when she came back, thankfully she brought supplies, but she was in a hurry and she looked really scared. After calming her down we asked her what happened and she told us that she eventually made it to a very darkened area to the point where it was almost pitch black, she had thankfully found a flashlight, but while she was traversing the darkened area, she found something that she described as a: "weird glowing smile thing." We questioned her more and she told us that she stared at it until she escaped it, but she eventually found it again, after doing the same thing she ran back to us as fast as she could. It chased after her and was fast, she said that it was attracted to her flashlight, so as a last resort, threw it, and by some miracle it distracted the thing for just a few seconds, giving her enough time to narrowly escape. I don't  believe her, yet I do believe her at the same time, I mean, we fell through the ground, anything can happen. We may have to move somewhere else,  this is getting more confusing.

Log Entry 4: We've been traversing for quite a while in this place. It feels like the longer were here, the more painful these headaches get, we keep finding more bloody and stained words on the wall. Spelling out more things. We keep hearing strange sounds and they're getting more annoying. By some surprise, we found food and water, it was kinda old, but we had no choice, we shared the food and eventually ate it all up. Were full for now, it was by a miracle that we even found food in the first place, the chances of us finding more I feel are slimmer. I don't believe the inhabitants, (monsters) of this place are giving us food. With the food has been a diary telling us more about this place, our level specifically. Apparently, the smile monster Avery saw was called a "Smiler", some of the more common "entities" of the Backrooms. Along with information on how to survive them, we were told that there are "levels" in this place, and we were on level 0. From what the notebook said, there were an indefinite amount of levels, infinite. The notebook had also contained log entries about the owner and their arrival to the Backrooms, and how they survived, after a while the notebook ended. Though this notebook could be a ruse, we are choosing to take it anyway, because it seems like things won't get easier from here.

Log Entry 5: WER RUNNING FOM A MONSTER, i don't now what it is. but as im writng tis were run9g from a monster of unknown origin. IT'S gaing ON US-

Log Entry 6: Sorry my spelling was off. I was writing that as we were running away from a monster. It looked like a flesh monster thingy. We were all calling out for anybody to help us, (not the best idea but we literally had nothing else to go with.) I guess it attracted some unwanted attention, as what seemed to be not a Smiler, but a Skin-Stealer. The diary told me that. Apparently, Skin-Stealers are entities most commonly found on levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. They're tall humanoids. (Credits to whoever took this picture.)

This was the picture added in the Skin-Stealer section, supposedly, taken by the owner of the diary.

 Log Entry 7: Skin-Stealers are flesh-like entities that have multiple small bumps on them like the suckers of an octopus' tentacle

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Log Entry 7: Skin-Stealers are flesh-like entities that have multiple small bumps on them like the suckers of an octopus' tentacle. Skin-Stealers can be calm, or aggressive. Our Skin Stealer was in an aggressive state. After killing their victim, the bumps on them push and pull on their victims skin to make it fit on them. The owner of the book had said they lost their friend to a Skin Stealer and a few hours later, had saw them again. Yet they were really quiet. Whenever they did speak it was only repeated words. The owner realized that that wasn't her friend, and ran away. Currently, we are hiding from a Skin Stealer. It seems to be getting more aggressive, were finding a way to lose it. But we don't have much time.

Log Entry 8: It's been about an hour, the Skin Stealer is still after us, we have no idea what to do. We've managed to hide somewhere, but it won't back down, we keep narrowly avoiding it. The backrooms is filled with randomly generated rooms, we tried losing it, it kept finding us though. It seems we're stuck in a loop, we keep losing it for a few minutes and it eventually finds us, it's real mad now, as if it's desperate to feed on our skin. This is getting out of hand, we're all exhausted from the constant running from it, so we're left with 1 option I can think of. Getting out of this level, we've tried as much as we could to lose it, and with the amount of dark rooms and Smilers we've avoided, we might as well be dead. We have to look for an exit to level 0, were constantly running around so I can't get a good read at the notebook. We have to hide, just long enough for me to find an exit in the notebook. We don't have much time left.

Log Entry 9: It's impossible, we managed to hide somewhere which gave me enough time to find an exit, but I couldn't find any, all the pages and levels are randomized, I couldn't find an exit from level 0. I told everybody and they were scared. Were currently running as of writing this.

Log Entry 10: We've managed to hide again, I need to look more thoroughly through this notebook to find a real exit. I hear the Skin Stealer near us, we don't have much time left, I'm searching through the journal as fast as I can, but I currently see nothing. This is bad.

Log Entry 11: I've found an exit! So the notebook says that breaking through the floor can lead us to another level, we don't know what level, but it's an escape. I saw a big crack in the floor while we were running from the Skin Stealer, we could break that to escape this level, after telling everybody, were currently sneaking to the crack. I'll update this log as soon as we get there.

Log Entry 12: We've made it to the crack and are currently breaking it down, were making good progress, but I hear the Skin Stealer, it's found our location and is rapidly approaching us, wait, I think the floor is broke-

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