3𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳

Start bij het begin

"And here goes my thought of having a nice evening to refresh myself." She thought to herself.

"Claire! Let me drink MORE! I'm gonna drink More - more - more - more - more And MORE!" Rue started singing when she was out of the club because Claire literally dragged her out of the place of some potential lusty people. 

"We Are Going H.O.M.E!" Right now!" Claire said but now she wasn't feeling any better either. The alcohol had started kicking in and now she too was slowly stumbling in her steps while shaking her head to keep her eyes open fully and look at the road properly. 

"CrAzY fOr MySeLf!" Rue sang again while adjusting her purse's strap on her shoulder and getting pulled by her Apartment mate. 


Jimin's POV~

I woke up suddenly from my short nap and found myself sleeping on the kitchen's table. Ugh, my head hurts. What time is it? I tried finding my mobile on the table, knocking down the shot glasses we had soju in and the bottles of the liquor.

11:50 PM.

Ugh my head! It's the after math of drinking so much. I slowly got up from the stool and tried to walk and in a few seconds, I was feeling much better than before. The spinning filter was not anymore in my sight now. 

I saw Taehyung, still passed out at the couch. He really lives carefree. Or does he? What goes in this boy's head, only lord knows. 

I went towards the water purifier to get some water. After drinking water I thought- "Let's go get some fresh air" and took my jacket from the stand and after wearing my shoes, I was out of my apartment with my car's keys in my hand. Walking towards the parking lot, I had a look around. There were people but not so many. I fixed my mask and my cap and went towards my car. Though I am not such a fan of owning cars, I do like my black beauty Porsche. Getting in, I raved up the engine and drove off to Han river.

I don't know if I was following the speed limits or not. What I do know is that I was driving pretty fast. Resulting in me reaching my destination quite soon. Getting out of the car I checked if there was someone here and just as I thought, the place was empty. 

I removed my mask and my cap and the cold air hit me on my face making me feel much better. I took a deep breath in. "Hmmm" I exhaled. A little while ago it felt like I was kept in a box. It felt like I was choking and it was hard to breathe. Now it feels like I am free. The air might have been taking away my worries, even if it was just for a few seconds or so, it felt great. I took deep breaths one after another and it felt like I had enough energy to survive more now. 

I parked my car properly and started walking to god knows where. I was just slowly walking on the sidewalk with my head hung low, eyes fixed at the land below my feet. I had no idea where I was going. I was just going. I took turns in alleys I didn't know about, saw shops I had never seen before, or maybe I have. It just felt nice, To be out like this, To put those thoughts out of my mind for a little while. 

I took another left turn and heard someone sing - "Crazy for myself." Who's singing at this hour of night? I raised my head up and saw two girls walking towards my direction. They both were drunk and it was quite visible in their walks. The first one was wearing a white floral dress and she looked pretty like little fairy. The other one was wearing a red tight short dress with thin straps over her shoulders. She was looking as if someone had called her here to save them and she is here to ruin them even more. Wow! That matches with one of our song's lyrics, I guess.

The white one was dragging the red one. It feels like I know them, Do I?

What are these girls? Pokémon? , I thought. As the girls neared me, I started looking properly at them and I do know these Pokémons! I mean G-Girls! 

Claire And Rue! What are they doing here? That too in this type of condition! 

I ran up to them and saw Rue being really drunk. Who got her in this condition?! Who let her drink so much?

"Let me drink More and More and More and..." Rue spoke while her eyes were nearly closed and she was wobbling like a soft toy who was made to stand up but falls every time you stop supporting it. Thanks to the influence of the alcohol, she was not able to even stand properly and was swaying here and there.

"Claire! Rue!" 
"Jimin-ssi?" Claire said. Thank god someone's not so badly drunk among them.

"What are you guys doing here right now?" I asked hastily.

"LachimolaLAAA" Rue screamed from behind while Claire was struggling to hold onto her hand because she was constantly moving. 

I don't know what to say. She looked so cute! I wanted to squish her cheeks, which were right now Red already. But at the same time, she was acting so out of her mind. 

"Jimin-ssi" Claire started, "I am sorry but," She stopped in between her words as if thinking through if she should say what she wanted to or not. I looked at her expectantly. "Could you take us to our apartment. Rue is really drunk and I am also tipsy. I won't be able to handle this big baby anymore now. I just got her out of the club because she was drinking too much. A man was even trying to-" She stopped again and looked at me wide eyed as if she was going to disclose something big in front of me which she should not.

"A man? What happened Claire?" I asked when she didn't speak.

"Nothing just... Could you take us two to our apartment please. I ask for your help Jimin-ssi." She said with pleading eyes. Even if she hadn't asked for it, I would have taken both of them to their apartment by my own. There's no way I am leaving her or Claire in this situation alone. 

"Let's get to my car. It's this way-" I said while pointing to the end of the street I remember I entered through. But then I realized that I didn't know where I was myself. 


"Shall we leave now Jimin-ssi?" Claire asked while holding onto Rue and I looked over both of them. Claire was still in her senses but Rue was half asleep. Ugh! Why does these kind of things happen at the worst times?!

I remember my last turn so let's start going that way. If I forget the way in between, When will I use GPS. *smirk*

"Let me handle Rue. I'll give her piggyback till my car. She is already in her dreamland. It will be hard for you to hold onto her even more now. I'll carry her from here." I said and claire nodded.

"I'd be so grateful Jimin-ssi." Claire said.

I carefully got rue on my back with the help of Claire so that Rue does not wake up or before she'd get the alcohol out of her system. Sliding my phone out of my pocket I entered the location of my car which was near the bridge I drove to. 

We were at the location within 6-7 minutes. I opened the car lock and Claire got in the back seat of the car heaving a deep sigh. I let Rue get off my back and made her sit in the back seat with her friend. I looked at both of them. Claire was still awake but rue was out, probably.

I got myself in the driver's seat and asked Claire for the directions of their apartment. She told me the location and I set the GPS. 

20 minutes drive from here. 

And off we go.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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